Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 23
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
ince the operating cost increased, the need to utilizing
modeling tools have been growing to achieve standards over
a wide range of operating conditions. Optimization based on past
information, give opportunity to save energy as well as reducing
construction, operation and maintenance cost which is one of
the most important current priority of environmental engineers.
Today on the other hand, nitrate removal from drinking water is
another priority of environmental experts due to harmful effects
on health including cancer, Methemoglobinemia, adverse
reproductive effects and etc. Thus finding an effective optimized
option to achieve this goals may be extremely helpful.
For this purpose TiO
nano-photocatalyst was utilized to
treatment of drinking water containing nitrate. Experimental
structure design and optimization of responses as well as
variables was done by design expert software (version 8) and
RSM based central composite design (CCD) approach. To do this
reaction Time (T) = 15-180 min, pH=5-9 and Nano-photocatalyst
dosage (D) =0.5-1.5
were chosen as independent variables
and NO
removal was chosen as dependent output response.
Nearly 20 runs were developed through CCD for experiment
and modelling of results. In order to finding the statistical
significance of models and real data F-test ANOVA was utilized.
The amount of P>F less than 0.0001 showed that the obtained
model is appropriate for simulation and modelling of nitrate
removal from drinking water by nano-photocatalyt.
Result showed that TiO
could successfully remove 97.38 % of
in D=2.5
/l, T=180 min, pH =5 (maximum performance)
and 36.84 % of NO
in D=0.5 gr/l, T=15 min, pH =9 (minimum
performance). It can easily found from result that there is a
direct relationship between pH, D, T and removal efficiency. The
optimum condition of photocatalytic NO
removal was achieved
equal to; D=1.85 gr/l, T=20 min and pH =7 for 70% removal
efficiency and meet standards by using
RSM based
models. Finally photocatalytic NO
removal was assessed
as a very appropriate method in order to meet environmental
requirements, rapid and effective treatment, therefore strongly
suggested for practical use.
Modeling, Nitrate, Nano-Photocatalyst, Response
Surface Methodology, water.
Recent Publications
1. Javid, A.H., Hassani, A. H., Ghanbari, B* and
Yaghmaeian, K. The feasibility of utilizing the moving
bed biofilm reactor in order to upgrade and retrofit the
municipal wastewater treatment plants. International
Journal of Environmental Research,7 (2013) 963-972
2. Amir Hessam Hassani, Seyed Mehdi Borghei, Hassan
Samadyar and Bastam Ghanbari*. Utilization of moving
bed biofilm reactor for industrial wastewater treatment
containing Ethylene Glycol: Kinetic and performance
study. Environmental Technology, 35 (2013), 499–507
3. Maryam Faridnasr, Bastam Ghanbari* and Ardavan
Sassani; Optimization of the moving-bed biofilm
sequencing batch reactor (MBSBR) to control aeration
time by kinetic computational modeling: Simulated
sugar-industry wastewater treatment. Bioresource
technology 208 (2016): 149-160.
BastamGhanbari graduated in Environmental Engineering–Water andWaste-
water from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch (Tehran) at
the age of 27. He is instructor of Department of Environmental Health En-
gineering, Islamic Azad University Tehran Medical Sciences Branch. He also
has been Founder and researcher of Water Purification Research Center
(WPRC) since 2014. Nearly 20 research projects has been carried out under
his supervision in his research’s interest area up to now including: Emerging
contaminants, Novel batch bioreactors, Novel Biological Nutrient Removal
(BNR) systems, Novel integrated bioreactors, Kinetic modelling of biological
systems, Utilization of artificial neural network (ANN) to bioreactor modelling,
Utilization of response surface methodology (RSM) to bioreactor modelling,
Bioreactor computational modeling and optimization, Advanced Oxidation
Process (AOPs) integrated Nano photo catalyst, Toxic wastewater treatment.
b.ghanbari@iautmu.ac.ir bastam.ghanbari@Gmail.comRSM based modeling of nitrate removal from drinking water
using nano-photocatalyst process
Bastam Ghanbari
, Reza Pourrajab
Mohamad Reza Khani
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Tehran Rural Water and Wastewater Company, Iran
Bastam Ghanbari et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2