Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 22
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
nder hot and desert climate, efficient utilization of the
meager water resources is of vital importance. Date palm
trees (
Phoenix dactylifera
L.) play crucial role on food security
pertaining to its ability to withstand desert climatic conditions
and high soil salinity. Eighteen young date palm trees were
established for about four years in concrete lysimeters
equipped with access tubes for soil moisture monitoring
using a calibrated Diviner 2000 capacitance probe. Split plot
experiment with main plots as three irrigation water salinities:
medium (12-15 dS/m), high (18-20 dS/m) and control (dS/
m<1) under 5-ALA and no 5-ALA treatments as subplots. Data
collected included actual irrigation water applied (AW) mm
and calculated actual water used in evapotranspiration from
soil moisture depletion (ET) mm. Physiological water use
efficiency (PWUE) was obtained by dividing actual ET by AW
for 46 irrigation events that extended over 446 days during
2016-2017. Results showed that salinity has overriding and
significant effects on date palm ET and PWUE. 5-ALA and
salinity interaction was highly significant in increasing ET
under electrical conductivity (EC) <1 while actual date palm
ET was reduced under medium and high EC. The application
of 5-ALA under EC<1 dS/m resulted in 77% photosynthetic
water-use efficiency (PWUE) compared with 31-59% on various
combination of 5-ALA and medium and high salinity levels.
Various effects of 5-ALA and salinity interactions on flowering
and chlorophyll contents were also discussed. Such results
are encouraging for further investigations on different levels of
5-ALA applications and fruit quality and food safety.
Recent Publications
1. A A Salih, A A Mohamed, A A Abahussain and F
Tashtoosh (2017) Use of Some Trees to Mitigate
Air and Soil Pollution Around Oil Refinery, Kingdom
of Bahrain. Journal of Environmental Science and
Pollution Research 3(2):167–170.
2. Kawkab E Babiker, Abdelhadi A W Mohamed, Imad-
eldin A Ali-Babiker and Hussni O Mohammed
(2015) Managing Rainfall Variability in Arid Rain-fed
Agriculture Using Adaptive Varieties and In-suit Water
Harvesting. Sudan Academy of Sciences Journal -
Special Issue (Climate Change) 11:74-82.
3. Asma Ali Abahussain, Abdelhadi Abdelwahab
Mohamed, Ahmed Ali Salih, Ahmad Al Safe, Nader
Abdul Hamed Mosa and Yahya Othman (2014) Soil
Salinization in Some Irrigated Areas of the Kingdom
of Bahrain. Journal of Agricultural Science and
Technology A 4:112-122.
4. Maie Kabbashi Alla Jabow, Ahmed Ali Salih, Abdelhadi
A W and Bashir M A (2013) Crop water requirements
for tomato, common bean and chick pea in Hudeiba,
River Nile State, Sudan. Sudan Journal of Agricultural
Research 22:11- 22.
5. Abdelhadi A W, H S Adam, Mohamed A Hassan and
Takeshi Hata (2004) Participatory management:
Would it be a turning point in the history of the Gezira
scheme? Irrigation and Drainage 53(4):429-436.
Abdelhadi A W has obtained his PhD in Global Science from Kobe Univer-
sity, Japan in 2000 where he spent two years in Postdoctoral studies. He
obtained his MSc degree in Agriculture and Biological Science from the
University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1992. He worked for the Agricultural
Research Corporation, Gezira Research Station for 22 years and as the Di-
rector of Soba Research Station for Saline & Sodic Soils. He worked for the
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development before joining the Arabian
Gulf University in 2011. He participated in more than 20 international con-
ferences and workshops and published more than 29 papers in refereed
prominent journals and is serving as a Referee for more than five reputable
scientific journals.
abdelhadiama@agu.edu.bhPotential of 5-aminolevulenic acid on date palm water use
efficiency under desert climate
Abdelhadi A W, Salih A A, Kawthar Sultan, Ahmed Alsafi
Tashtoosh F
Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
Abdelhadi A W et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2