Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 42
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
his research proposes and models exergetically and
economically the novel trigeneration system made up a
dual organic Rankine cycle (DORC) integrated with the solar flat
plates. The proposed system is undertaken to deliver electricity
power, heating and cooling effects. The desired system is
equipped with an ejector cooling cycle to provide the cooling
load. In order to enhance the system operation, copper oxide
(CuO) nanoparticles are utilized inside the heat transfer medium
in the solar subsystem. The impacts of several substantial
design parameters are evaluated on the annual exergy efficiency
as well as the total product cost rate of the system for various
insolation for each month. Two groups of working fluids namely
R1234yf-R245fa and R423A-R236fa are applied inside the
DORC. Sensitivity analysis implies that the increment of the
ejector outlet pressure has a positive effect on both exergetic
and cost performance of the system for all studied working
fluids. Additionally, an evolutionary algorithm is used to find the
optimum exergetic and economic performance of the system.
Optimization results show that the annual exergy efficiency and
the total product cost rate are improved within 24.4% and 11.8%,
respectively for R1234yf-R245fa and they are modified by about
19.3% and 15.3%, respectively for R423A-R236fa.
Recent Publications
1. Boyaghchi F A and Nazer S (2017) Assessment
and optimization of a new sextuple energy system
incorporated with concentrated photovoltaic thermal-
Geothermal using exergy, economic and environmental
concepts. Journal of Cleaner Production 164:70-84.
2. Boyaghchi F A and Asgari S (2017) A comparative
exergoenvironmental assessments of two internal
auto-cascade refrigeration cycles. Applied Thermal
Engineering 122:723-737.
3. Boyaghchi F A, Mahmoodnezhad M and Sabeti V
(2016) Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of
a solar driven dual-evaporator vapor compression-
absorption cascade refrigeration system using
water/CuO nanofluid. Journal of Cleaner Production
4. Boyaghchi F A and Montazerinejad H (2016) Multi-
objective optimisation of a novel combined cooling,
heating and power system integrated with flat
plate solar collectors using water/CuO nanofluid.
International Journal of Exergy 21(2):202-238.
5. Boyaghchi F A, Chavoshi M and Sabeti V (2015)
Optimization of a novel combined cooling, heating and
power cycle driven by geothermal and solar energies
using the water/CuO (copper oxide) nanofluid. Energy
F A Boyaghchi has completed her BSc, MSc and PhD degree in the Ener-
gy Conversion field from the University of Science and Technology (IUST),
Tehran, Iran. Now, she is working as an Associate Professor of Mechanical
Engineering Department in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at
Alzahra University. She is the Head of Mechanical Engineering group and
has her expertise in solar thermal system design, environmental assess-
ment and optimization. Renowned for her pioneering works in the area of
renewable energy technologies. She has authored and co-authored more
than 50 refereed journal and conference papers and a book chapter pub-
lished by Elsevier.
fahmadi@alzahra.ac.irAssessment and optimization of a novel solar dual organic
Rankine cycle trigeneration system based on exergy and
exergoeconomic analyses
F A Boyaghchi
M Chavoshi
Alzahra University, Iran
F A Boyaghchi et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2