Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 28
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
oxorubicin (DXR) is a cancer drug that is widely used for
cancer chemotherapy. Because of prominent cytotoxicity to
normal cells or tissues, clinically limits applications. When used
long term, DXR causes several side effects, resistance and toxicity
to normal tissues. To decrease the DXR toxicity and improve
bioavailability, various carrier systems have been development to
maintain the tumor inhibition effect. Recently, many researchers
have been investigatedDXReffect on normal cells or tissues. They
used an agent whose name is CMN it possess antioxidant activity
besides effect of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliferative,
antiangiogenic, hepatoprotective, antimetastatic, antidiabetic,
antiarthritic antithrombotic, and antiatherosclerotic in cell culture
and animal studies. Various preclinical studies revealed that CMN
is well known for its potential to inhibit carcinogenesis induced
by chemical carcinogens both initiation and progression stages.
The present study was designed as thirty five wistar albino male
rats were randomly divided into five groups of seven rats in each
group. Group I was identified as the control group and only CMN
was injected to group II. While DXR was injected group III, group
IV was treated with DXR+CMN and DXR+CMN was injected to
group V in higher dose CMN. The objective of this study was to
assessment and compares levels of some elements including
copper, iron, zincandselenium, and in the liver of control groupand
doxorubicin induced rats tissue. All trace metals were analyzed
using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
(ETAAS). Results revealed that Cu, Fe, Zn, Se amount and Cu/Fe,
Cu/Zn, and Cu/Se ratio were present in different levels in the each
of five groups. In liver, there was not statistically any differences
among Cu, Fe, Zn and Fe concentrations of group I and II (p>0.05).
Group IV Se concentration was found statistically the lowest and
Fe concentration of group IV was found the highest.
Recent Publications
1. Ince M, Kaplan Ince O, Asam E and Onal A (2017)
Using food wastes biomass as effective adsorbents
in water and wastewater treatment for Cu (II) removal.
Atomic Spectroscopy 38(5):142-148.
Onal A received his technician degree from Munzur University, Department
of Food Technology at 2011 and he is a student Department of Food Engi-
neering at the Munzur University. He is the author of more than 3 papers
that published in journals with good impact factor in their area and her re-
search areas including Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy; Trace and Toxic
Element Analysis; Instrumental Analysis; Problem Solving in Chemistry and
Food Science.
onalali_62@outlook.comA comparison of trace metal levels in doxorubicin induced rat
liver using ETAAS
Onal A
, Ince M
, Kaplan Ince O
, Benzer F
Kandemir F M
Munzur University, Turkey
Atatürk University, Turkey
Onal A et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2