E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Chemistry 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN 2472-1123
F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8
P a r i s , F r a n c e
Page 55
lastic wastes in the coastal waters and shoreline beaches are on the
rise over the recent years. Plastic wastes classified by light and heavy
density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE) materials were found to physically
obstruct marine lives as well, chemically suspected to contain mercury (Hg)
that sustained as a long-term pollutant in the ecosystem. Different methods
determining Hg in plastic wastes at low detectable levels showed Hg loss or
accumulation besides matrices instability. Repeatable and reproducible results
were obtained when micro-analytical methods, digestion of solid samples to
liquid state and samples analyzed in the direct mercury analyzer (DMA-80)
with absorption spectrophotometry (0.0015ng detection limits) were adopted
over other instruments. Annually, quantification and dispersion of plastic
wastes in beaches not only destroyed the aesthetic value of the beaches but
also characterized the additive source of Hg contamination in plastics that
claimed many marine organisms.
A H Bu-Olayan completed his PhD from Bristol University in
1975 and BS degree from the Kuwait University. He is the Dean
of Sciences. He has published more than 65 papers in the envi-
ronmental sciences with specialization in the Marine, Arid and,
Health Pollution in international peer reviewed journals.
abdul.buolayan@ku.edu.kwAnalytical variations of mercury in hazardous wastes off the
Kuwait beaches
A H Bu-Olayan and B V Thomas
Kuwait University, Kuwait
A H Bu-Olayan, J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-003