Cardiology Insights 2019
Journal of Heart and Cardiovascular Research
ISSN: 2576-1455
Page 42
March 07-08, 2019
Berlin, Germany
New Horizons in Cardiology
& Cardiologists Education
International Conference on
J Heart Cardiovasc Res 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-1455-C1-003
Impact of arterial stiffness on coronary lesions and in-Stent
Mohamed Abed BOURAGHDA
Blida University Hospital, Algeria
: Cardiac and cerebrovascular pathology
and their complications are still the leading cause of
morbidity and mortality in the world. Hypertension is
a major risk factor for the occurrence of these events.
The target organs, where there is an arterial pressure
called central pressure, are subjected to it continually.
Clearly, it is the central blood pressure (CBP) and not the
brachial pressure taken from the armband monitor that is
implicated in the genesis of this complications. However,
the noninvasive measurement of the CBP takes into
consideration only onemeasurement point on the arterial
tree while it undergoes variations from the center to the
periphery related to the arterial viscoelastic properties
resulting in an amplification phenomenon (of theCBPand
Pulsed pressure (PP)), which is a reliable parameter for
evaluating arterial stiffness and whose reduction results
in a negative impact on the occurrence of cardiovascular
events (CV)
: This innovative work, carried out in our
laboratory, confirms the stronger link between CBP and
CV risk, particularly in its pulsatile component, where
it proves to be more powerful. This finding is obtained
by means of a reference measurement method on a
North African population of consecutive patients. Thus,
we have demonstrated that the reduction of the central
pressure amplification, which is a reliable to arterial
stiffness, is an independent factor of severe coronary
disease involvement, with all that this may imply from a
: Hypertension, invasive systolic blood
pressure, pulse pressure, central and pulse systolic blood
pressure amplification, indexed left ventricular mass,
diastolic function, stent restenosis.