Cardiology Insights 2019
Journal of Heart and Cardiovascular Research
ISSN: 2576-1455
Page 36
March 07-08, 2019
Berlin, Germany
New Horizons in Cardiology
& Cardiologists Education
International Conference on
Naseer Ahmed, J Heart Cardiovasc Res 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2576-1455-C1-003
Coronary angiogram and graft study with single diagnostic
catheter in dextrocardia: best approach for cath lab with
limited resources
Naseer Ahmed
Tabba Heart Institute, Pakistan
extrocardia (DC) is a rare congenital anomaly. The
incidence of coronary artery disease is similar to
the general population. Dextrocardia presents several
challenges due to abnormal location of the heart, mirror
image pattern of aortic arch and its branches, and
abnormal coronary origin and orientation, and it becomes
more difficult when grafts are cannulated through trans-
radial access, all with single catheter. We have performed
coronary angiogram and graft study through trans-radial
access using only one diagnostic catheter due to limited
resources in developing country.
Adhip P NMajumdar received hisMS and PhD degrees from the Univer-
sity of London, England, and DSc (Doctor of Science) degree in Gastro-
enterology from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. He has been a Pro-
fessor at Wayne State University since 1992 and holds the post of Se-
nior Research Career Scientist at the Detroit VA Medical Center. He has
published over 200 original scientific articles and a multitude of book
chapters/review articles. His lab is particularly interested in elucidating
the patho-physiology of age-related changes in the GI mucosa specifi-
cally those that lead to malignancy. To this end, he has been investigat-
ing the role of pluripotent, self-renewing CSCs in the development and
progression of GI malignancies. He has been funded by the VA and NIH.