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August 17-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
Ann Biol Sci, 2017
ISSN: 2348-1927
he relationship between the lactic acid bacteria
composing the microbiota of tropical starchy fermented
foods and humans has been poorly investigated. Most of
the studies focus on a combination of phenotypical (cells
models, animals) and clinical trials. However, the increasing
number of genomic data allows new strategies. Lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) can synthesize molecules of interest during
fermentation of food. The objective of this work was to
screen the presence of around 50 genes involved in probiotic
functions in a collection of 152 lactic acid bacteria isolated
from an African fermented cereal based food called ben-
saalga, and in the metagenome of various starchy fermented
foods. In this study, several primers have been designed
allowing the detection of genes of interest by PCR. The
genetic screening is efficient in determining the potential
linked to simple functions (B vitamins and carotenoids
synthesis, starchmetabolism, tannin degradation), as inmost
cases it allows to limit the number of phenotypical tests to
the strain harbouring the genes of interest. On the contrary,
more complex functions such as cell binding or bacterial
survival, estimated
in vitro
(low pH, bile salts, cell models,
surface plasmonic resonance imagery) revealed the limit of
the approach. The genetic screening of the metagenomes
shows that the traditional starchy fermented foods harbour
a promising probiotic and nutritional potential.
Speaker Biography
Williams Turpin has completed his PhD in Microbiology from Montpellier II University
(France), and Post-doctoral studies from University of Toronto (Canada). He is now a
Research Associate at University of Toronto/Mount Sinai Hospital, currently working
in the field of Human Genetics and its microbiome relationship in the context of
inflammatory bowel diseases. He published six papers related to the field of Food
Microbiology. His current work was acknowledged by five publications, with two of
them published in high impact factor journals. He recently received one national
(CDDW2015) and three international awards (UEGW2015, DDW2015-DDW2016).
williams.turpin@utoronto.caEfficiency of genetic screening for identification of lactic acid bacteria for their nutritional properties
Williams Turpin
University of Toronto-Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada
Williams Turpin, Ann Biol Sci, 2017, 5:3
DOI: 10.21767/2348-1927-C1-002