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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN 2471-9838
September 11-12, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
Advanced Nano 2017
Hybrid materials by ALD-derived methods:
opportunities for novel material design
tomic layer deposition (ALD) has become the
method-of-choice for solving many technical issues
that occurred on the way towards designing current
and future electronics. Serious effort has been invested
in order to optimize the materials, processes and
processing instrumentation, which eventually resulted
in the success story of this processing technique. The
ALD process allows controlled deposition of thin films
on a variety of substrates and in this way enables a
modification of a given functionality of a surface or
even introduction of a new functionality. It may be
seen as a chemical reactor that allows precise dosing
of a chemical, allowing for chemical interaction and
modification of the substrate. Considering both points
of view, the process opens large variation possibilities
for a design of novel functional materials for emerging
applications and devices. Among those functional
materials hybrid materials play an increasingly important
role. By bridging the worlds of polymers and ceramics
the most desirable properties can be united within a
singular material. Furthermore, in a well performing
hybrid material the individual components will add
value to their counterpart in a synergistic way. In this
talk, some approaches will be discussed that show
great promise for establishing ALD as the method-of-
choice for innovation in technological fields beyond the
microelectronics industry. In an adapted processing
mode, the ALD processing technology allows infusing
metals into polymeric substrates, which leads to
novel material blends that cannot easily be obtained
in other ways. The chemical or physical properties of
the initial substrate are improved or new functionalities
added. With some showcases, this talk will discuss
approaches towards non-traditional application of
ALD to fabricate novel materials with great promise in
various applications.
Mato Knez studied Chemistry and completed his Doctoral degree in Physical
Chemistry at Max-Planck Institute of solid-state research in Stuttgart (Germany). In
2003, he moved for Post-doctorate studies to Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure
Physics in Halle (Germany), where in 2006 he received the Nanofuture award of
the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with a grant to establish
a junior research group. Since 2012, he is Ikerbasque Research Professor in San
Sebastian (Spain) and Group Leader of Nanomaterials at research institute CIC
nanoGUNE. In 2012, he received the prestigious Gaede prize of the German
Vacuum Society.
m.knez@nanogune.euMato Knez
CIC nanoGUNE, Spain
Mato Knez, Nano Res Appl 2017, 3:3
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C1-001