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E u r o s c i c o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Physical Chemistry and
Analytical Separation Techniques
October 08-09 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Physical Chemistry and Analytical Separation Techniques 2018
lanar semiconductor pn junctions constitute an integral part of most optoelectronic devices; they generally require high
quality expensive crystals. Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) configuration can circumvent cost, complexity, flexibility and scale-up
challenges of conventional pn junctions. Current BHJ structures physically mix organic or inorganic colloidal materials, which
invariably create interface mismatch and low doping issues. This paper introduces a radically different thermodynamically-driven,
single-step electrodeposition approach; it naturally creates self-stabilized bulk homojunctions, exemplified here by two copper-
indium-selenide (CISe) compounds. The resulting film comprises interconnected 3D network of highly-ordered, sharp, abrupt
truly-nanoscale pn BHJs; these exhibit unusual electro-optical properties, long lifetime and quantum confinement effects. Unlike
colloidal nanocrystals, the CISe nanocrystals are highly doped. Their ordered nanoscale morphology facilitates interpenetration
for fast, efficient carrier separation and transport; minimizes recombination and essentially performs the same functions as
the high-end, crystalline planar pn junctions. This totality manifests as a significant advance in electrochemical processing of
semiconductors, it discloses a generally accessible, very low-cost platform method to create high quality nanocrystalline pn BHJ
absorbers with various chalcogenides. These inorganic BHJs can be directly used in devices. With addition of finely band-aligned
contact electrodes, these BHJs can transition into high performance devices for LED or solar photovoltaic devices or serve as
photoelectrodes for fuel generation. Furthermore, they can be roll-to-roll processed in simple flexible thin-film form factor for
easy scale-up.
smenezes@interphases-solar.comShalini Menezes
and Anura Samantlike
InterPhases Solar, USA
University of Minho, Portugal
J Org Inorg Chem 2018 Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C6-018
New approach to naturally form design
nanostructured semiconductor bulk pn
homojunctions for opto-electronic devices