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E u r o s c i c o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Physical Chemistry and
Analytical Separation Techniques
October 08-09 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Physical Chemistry and Analytical Separation Techniques 2018
owadays, numerous branches of photochemistry have been discovered and the study of the phenomenon of color change of
organic compounds known as photochromsim phenomenon become one of the most important branches of photochemistry.
This is due to their potential importance in lenses industry, thin-film, security inks, high density information storage, dye-sensitized
solar cell (DSSC), computer ships, imaging optics as well as in medicine such as dental filling technology. There important
applications motivated us to continue our investigation in this field. In this research project, we aimed to synthesize and study the
photochromic behavior of Di- and tertrhydroindolizes photochromes. Many chemical and photochemical pathways will be followed
inorder toget over thesynthesisproblems. Variousphysical propertiessuchaskinetics, solvent effect, gelations, photodegradation,
fluoresce, and many other multiaddressable properties are discovered. We expect that the synthesized compounds will show a
wide range of absorption in the UV region, as well as visible light and also have a wide range in the half-life, allowing these series
of compounds to have numerous applications in many industrial fields. Irradiation of the photochromic dihydroindolizine (DHIs)
with polychromatic light led to ring opening colored betaines which undergo thermal 1, 5-electrocyclization. The kinetic of the
thermal 1, 5-electrocyclization was studied by using multichannel FT/UV-VIS spectrophotometer. In addition, some studies on
the influence of the substituents on both the DHI and THI regions which is fluorene (A), ester (B) and the heterocyclic base (C) on
the photochromic properties which have a significant penetrate in the kinetic properties. From these standpoints and from our
experience in this area, we expect that, this work opens a new era in the field of chemistry and photochemistry as well.
saleh_63@hotmail.comSaleh A Ahmed
1, 2
, Nizar El Guesmi
1, 3
, Ismail I Althagafi
and Khalid S Khairou
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
Assiut university, Egypt
Universite de Monastir, Tunisia
J Org Inorg Chem 2018 Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C6-018
Figure 1:
Photo-induced ring opening of the
photochromic THI (closed form) to colored betaine
(open form) based 1, 5-electrocyclization
Multiaddressable photophysical properties of
photochromic di and tetrahydroindolizes with
potential applications