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E u r o s c i c o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Physical Chemistry and
Analytical Separation Techniques
October 08-09 , 2018
Amsterdam, Nether l ands
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Physical Chemistry and Analytical Separation Techniques 2018
easurements were performed to determine the solubilities of L-histidine
in aqueous solutions of various concentrations of chloride salts (NaCl and
KCl) by using a thermostatted reactor and gravimetric method from (293.15 to
323.15 K) under atmospheric pressure. The effect of inorganic salts on the
solubility of L-histidine was investigated and was found accordingly: sodium
chloride > potassium chloride. Results showed that the solubility in pure water
and in aqueous chloride solutions increased with increasing temperature. The
experimental data were well correlated by the semi-empirical equation. Using
the measured solubilities, the standard molar thermodynamic properties of
transfer of GA (∆
, ∆trH
and ∆
) from pure water to aqueous solutions of
the chloride salts were estimated
Adel Noubigh has completed his PhD from Tunis El Manar
University, Tunisia and Postdoctoral Studies from ENSTA
ParisTech. He is serving as an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Chemistry, Preparatory Institute for Engineering
Studies of Gafsa, Gafsa University, Tunisia and in the Faculty of
Science, Northern Borders University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He has published more than 26 papers in reputed journals.
Adel.anoubigh@ipest.rnu.tnAn experimental study and modeling of L-histidine solubility in
chloride salts aqueous solutions at different temperatures
Adel Noubigh
1, 2
and Manef Abderrabba
Carthage University-IPEST, Tunisia
Northern Borders University, Saudi Arabia
Adel Noubigh et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2018 Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C6-018