Pharmacognosy 2019
March 11-12, 2019
London, UK
American Journal of Ethnomedicine
ISSN: 2348-9502
Page 24
Pharmacognosy and
Medicinal Plants
Edition of International Conference on
3. Isidorov V, Szczepaniak L, Wróblewska A,
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Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric
examination of chemical composition of two
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4. Stocki M, Zapora E, Rój E and Bakier S (2018)
Obtaining of valuable biologically active
compounds from logging residue of birch
spp.) using supercritical carbon dioxide.
Przemysł Chemiczny 97:774-778..
Marcin Stocki is a PhD student from the Faculty of Biology and Chem-
istry at the University of Bialystok in the field of chemistry. In 2013, he
completed Postgraduate studies in Analytics in environmental protec-
tion - chromatography and separation techniques in various variants of
trace determinations at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Nicolaus Co-
pernicus University in Torun. He is Assistant at Faculty of Forestry of
Bialystok University of Technology.