Nursing Diagnosis & Midwifery 2018
S e p t e m b e r 1 0 - 1 1 , 2 0 1 8
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Page 58
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
E u r o S c i C o n E v e n t o n
Nursing Diagnosis &
ince its foundation, the Spanish Association of Nomenclature,
Taxonomy and Nursing Diagnostics- AENTDE have focused its activities
to current needs of our profession in the areas of standardized languages
answers. Research has always been one of the main engines and therefore
considers it necessary to establish structures of research to facilitate
scientific exchange and interrelationships between nurses from all over the
world. Research and scientific advancement of knowledge in standardized
nursing languages have no boundaries. The International Network of
Nursing Taxonomy Research-REITE is a structure that aims to promote
scientific exchange and interrelationships between research groups of
nurses from around the world who are researching in nursing taxonomies.
The project of creation and development of REITE was developed over the
years 2012-2013 and was presented to the scientific community nurse in
the framework of the IX Conference of AENTDE held in Barcelona on 19
and 20 April 2013. REITE establishes the organization of the network in
three types of different research groups: Emerging Nursing Taxonomies
Research Group (E-REITE), Advanced Nursing Taxonomies Research Group
(A-REITE) and Singular Nursing Taxonomies Research Group (S-REITE).
There are established specific criteria for accreditation for each type of
group. REITE is a structure developed and supported by AENTDE and is
currently coordinated by Dra. M Teresa Lluch-Canut and Dra. Ana Porcel-
Gálvez REITE which is a long term project. The structure is created. All
nurses in the world who are investigating in nursing taxonomies and are
structured as a research group may ask for the addition to The International
Network of Nursing Taxonomy Research-REITE. Investigate with network;
share scientific advances and development of international projects
are the basis for advancing nursing research in standardized languages.
REITE was created with the following general objectives: to develop a
specialized structure that helps strengthen and make more visible research
nurses taxonomies being developed internationally; to group, streamline
and strengthen the groups that in isolation conduct research into nursing
taxonomies; to stimulate the development of innovative research initiatives
about nursing taxonomies; to promote the development of joint research
projects in nursing taxonomies; facilitate communication between the
researcher 's area of nursing taxonomies, nationally and internationally.
International Research Network of Nursing Taxonomies
(REITE): creation, development and present status
M Teresa Lluch- Canut
and Ana M Porcel-Galvez
University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Sevilla, Spain
REITE, Asociacion Espanola de Nomenclatura, Taxonomia y Diagnosticos de Enfermeria,
(AENTDE), Spain
M Teresa Lluch- Canut et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018 Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C4-012
María Teresa Lluch Canut is Professor of Psychosocial Nursing and
Mental Health of the Department of Public Health Nursing, Mental
and Maternal and Child Health of the University of Barcelona. The
research areas in which he works are: positivemental health applied
to different populations (mental health professionals, people with
chronic health problems, caregivers of mental patients, nursing
students, people with dual pathology), capacity assessment of
self-care in people with serious mental illness and in their main
caregivers. She is currently the coordinator of the Mental Health and
Addiction Nursing Research Network.