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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN 2471-9838
E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Nanotechnology &
Smart Materials
O c t o b e r 0 4 - 0 6 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Nanotechnology & Smart Materials 2018
Nano triblock copolymers prepared by ATRP for insulin drug
Hadi S Al Lami, Baqer A Al Mayyahi and Athir M Haddad
University of Basrah, Iraq
or controlled release applications requiring frequent injection, weight loss of the polymermatrix is themost important parameter
of degradation. To avoid accumulation of polymer in the body, the matrix should disappear within a reasonable period of time
(depending on the application). Novel triblock copolymers of different ration of L-lactide were prepared by atom-transfer radical
polymerization (ATRP). They were characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, and micro elemental analysis. Triblock copolymers were used
to prepare IPN’s which had fiber characteristic due to presence of L-lactide in IPN’s composition. Using the coated fiber, IPN’s
reduced the burst effects of insulin. Insulin release from fiber IPN’s could be potentially controlled by changing the content of
PEG, molecular weight of PEG, changing ratio of PLA/PEG-SC-PEG, presence of Pluronic F-127 with the composition of fiber IPN’s,
pH medium, crosslinked agent ratio, and the number of coated layers. The morphology of the uncoated fiber IPN’s was performed
using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). All those polymer networks were loaded with 50 IU of insulin. In vitro release showed
that the longer the PLA chain length, would be slower
in vitro
release rate of insulin due to decreasing the hydrophilicity which
reflected the swelling of fiber IPN’s and
in vitro
releasing rate of insulin. The obtained data showed that the release of insulin
decreases within the first two hours for fiber IPN’s of some triblock copolymers depending on the composition and molecular
weights. The release rate of insulin can be designed by choosing the suitable conditions. The results simply support that loading
of insulin with prepared fiber IPN’s can be used for controlling insulin release and the fiber IPN’s with triblock copolymer are
suitable for insulin delivery system for the controlled administration of insulin.
hadisalman54@yahool.comNano Res Appl Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C6-025