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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN 2471-9838
E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Nanotechnology &
Smart Materials
O c t o b e r 0 4 - 0 6 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Nanotechnology & Smart Materials 2018
Crashworthy performance of Bombyx mori glass fibre/epoxy
hybrid cylindrical composite tubes: experimental
A U Ude
and C H Azhari
Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana
The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
his study investigated the failure behaviour, energy absorption response and loads carrying capability of glass fibre (GF)/
Bombyx mori (B.mori)/
epoxy hybrid composite cylindrical tubes subjected to an axial quasi-static compression test. The
reinforced cylindrical composite tubes were prepared using mandrel assisted hand lay-up technique. The specimen tested were
three glass fibre cylindrical tube, each consisting of five layers of (GF), three
fibre cylindrical tubes, each consisting of
15 layers
fibre and GF/
/epoxy hybrid cylindrical tubes, each consisting of three layers of GF, nine layers of
fibres. The height of each tube was 50 mm tall, the thickness was 10 mm and the diameter was 65 mm respectively. The energy
absorption and load carrying ability of the tubes were analyzed by measuring specific energy absorption, maximum peak load
) and total energy absorption (TE) as a function of diverse fibre behaviour under compressive loading. Failure mechanism
of the tubes was analyzed from high resolution photographs obtained during test. As expected, GF/
/epoxy hybrid tubes
performed better in load carriability and energy attenuation, while
tubes performed better in progressive crushing failure
behaviour. Deformation morphology suggests micro to macro cracks, tear propagation, delamination and collapse.
albertuche@yahoo.comNano Res Appl Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C6-025