NanoMat 2018
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Page 49
April 26-27, 2018
Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in
Materials Science and
he last decade of past century was marked by a revolution
in the field of materials synthesis for optical and photonic
applications. It is noteworthy that major dispute regarding
the origin of these materials: inorganic or organic, natural or
synthetic, hybrid or pure? The goal of our work is that attempting
to obtain a controlled structure and then improving the properties
by adding small amounts of DNA or chromophores. The idea
for using these partners is to get desired applications which
regard the biophotonic / nonlinear optical (NLO) field. The used
chromophores were synthesized starting from NLO sequences
and contains both azo-benzenes and carbazole groups in order
to induce a response to an external and/or internal stimulus.
DNA is also used in NLO application but has another important
property and that is targeting specific molecules/cells/tissues.
This study was made to understand the perfect combination
between the monomers (amides) and DNA/chromophores. The
importance of this work is to highlight the best conditions and
the mechanism to obtain new polymers with induced properties
in order to be applied in specific fields. Moreover, we have a
shot to prove the structure and properties control by reaction
parameters. Themolecular interaction and the surroundingmedia
play an important role in changing of the fundamental properties
of materials. So the electronically behaviors at molecular level are
principallydeterminedby theconcentrationof theNLOconstitutive
sequences. Demonstrating how such materials respond to a
sensitive stimulus which affects the polar ordering is given by
the solvatochromic, VCD, FT-IR and Raman studies. The physical
- chemical characterization of novel compounds, proposed by us,
foreshadows the potential applications of polymer materials, with
such sequences, in the biophotonic and NLO field.
Recent Publications
1. J B Lee, A S Shai, M J Campolongo, N Park and D
Luo (2010) Three-dimensional structure and thermal
stability studies of DNA nanostructures by energy
transfer spectroscopy. ChemPhysChem 11: 2081-
2. A Rodriguez-Pulido, A I Kondrachuk, D K Prusty, J
Gao, M A Loi and A Herrmann (2013) Light-Triggered
Sequence-Specific Cargo Release from DNA Block
Copolymer–Lipid Vesicles. Angewandte Chemie
International Edition 52:1008-1012.
3. R M Zadegan and M L Norton (2012) Structural
DNA nanotechnology: from design to applications.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13:7149-
4. A Czogalla, H G Franquelim and P Schwille (2016) DNA
nanostructures on membranes as tools for synthetic
biology. Biophysical Journal 110:1698-1704.
5. Aldea, A M Albu and I Rau (2016) New polymeric
materials for photonic applications: Preliminary
investigations. Optical Materials 56:90-93.
Ana Maria Albu has her expertise in the field of Polymer Science and related
fields such as: organic synthesis, smart materials, design and manufacture
of the new architecture materials with peculiar applications like optic, op-
to-electronic, micro-electronics, photonic; biomaterials. Two main directions
are distinguished: particular aspects in macromolecular synthesis and syn-
thesis of polymeric materials with non-conventional applications. For her,
the research activity is closely related to didactic activity, her being devot-
ed teacher to training and orientation of students to specialized technical
domains. It is a recognized presence in the field’s conferences through the
interdisciplinary approach of its research. In recent years, she has focused
her activity to the synthesis and characterization of polymer materials with
applicability in the biophotonic field. At the same time, by interdisciplinary
approaches, it is looking for solution for novel, eco-friendly polymer mate-
rials with applications in the field of fuel cells, selective recovery of metallic
ions, specialized coating.
anamarialbu@yahoo.comStructural peculiarities of the polymer-DNA assembles
Ana Maria Albu
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Ana Maria Albu et al., Nano Res Appl, Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C1-008
Figure 1:
The chemical structures of the mainmaterials used
to make polymer-DNA Assembles.