NanoMat 2018
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Page 46
April 26-27, 2018
Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in
Materials Science and
4. Todescato F, Fortunati I, Minotto A, Signorini R,
Jasieniak J J and Bozio R (2016) Engineering of
semiconductor nanocrystals for light emitting
applications. Materials 9(8):672.
5. Scian C, Todescato F, Signorini R, Agnoli S, Cesca
T, Bozio R and Mattei G (2017) Oxidation effects on
the SERS response of silver nanoprism arrays. RSC
Advances 7(1):369--378.
Raffaella Signorini has been working as an Associate Professor in Physical
Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Pa-
dova since October 2015. Her research activity: (i) Characterization of the
optical properties of chromophores characterized by reverse saturable ab-
sorption (RSA) and two photon absorption (TPA), and development of an
optical limiting device capable to protect frompulsed and CW laser radiation
in a wide frequency band; (ii) Investigation of the up-converted stimulated
emission of chromophores in suitable laser cavities and development of an
integrated laser device; (iii) Characterization of the two photon induced flu-
orescence of organic multipolar chromophores; (iv) Investigation of hybrid
sol-gel materials properties, displaying photocatalitic activity; (v) Micro and
sub-micro fabrication via two photon induced polymerization of polymer-
ic and sol-gel materials; (vi) Realization and characterization of plasmonic
nanostructures for sensing applications. She is an author of almost fifty pa-
pers on international journals and books, and two patents.