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Nano Research & Applications

ISSN: 2471-9838

April 26-27, 2018

Rome, Italy

NanoMat 2018

Page 15



Edition of International Conference on

Emerging Trends in

Materials Science and


Al-doped ZnO films by reactive high power impulse

magnetron sputtering, Solar Energy Materials and Solar

Cells 157:742-749.

5. M Mickan, M Stoffel, H Rinnert, U Helmersson and D

Horwat (2017) Restoring the properties of transparent

al-doped ZnO thin film electrodes exposed to ambient air

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121:14426–1443.


David Horwat has an expertise in the physico-chemistry of inorganic func-

tional thin films. He is more particularly interested in understanding how

physical properties, more particularly electrical and optical, are related to local

structural, chemical states and nanostructures and on ways to modify them

using physical vapor deposition methods. His research is based on a mul-

tidisciplinary approach involving synthesis, spectrometries/spectroscopies

and microscopies. He teaches Materials Science and Engineering at the Eu-

ropean School of Materials Engineering (EEIGM) and conducts his research

activities in the POEME research group of Institut Jean Lamour at University

of Lorraine.