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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
April 26-27, 2018
Rome, Italy
NanoMat 2018
Page 41
Edition of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in
Materials Science and
captures chloroplast outer membrane-localized client
proteins at the ribosome during translation, Nature
Communications 6:6843.
5. Youngkyu Kim, Eung-Sam Kim, Yoonhee Lee, Joung-
Hun Kim, Bong Chu Shim, Seong Moon Cho, Jeong
Soo Lee and Joon Won Park (2014) Reading single
DNA with DNA polymerase followed by atomic force
microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Joon Won Park has obtained his PhD at California Institute of Technology in
1988, and worked in Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Fellow for two
years, he started an independent professional career at Pohang University of Sci-
ence and Technology (or POSTECH) in 1990. His initial research was focused on
self-assembledmonolayer and created a dendron-modified surface that provides
regular nanoscaled spacing between immobilized molecules. He combined the
proprietary approach with force-based atomic force microscopy. As a result, he
was able to increase the reliability, reproducibility and accuracy of the analysis. He
has been keen on analyzing various biomarkers including DNA, mRNA, microR-
NA, and protein of low abundance quantitatively without amplification as well as
manipulating single biomolecules and mapping biomolecules at high resolution.
He was the Head of Chemistry Department and is a Founder of NB POSTECH
Inc. (a Pohang-based venture) and Nanogea Inc. (Los Angeles-based venture).