Nanobiotechnology 2018
Page 26
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Nanotech & Nanobiotechnology
J u l y 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 8
P a r i s , F r a n c e
harmaceutical formulations are a key for the effectiveness of therapeutic
agents. Nanotechnology provides a new direction to improve the solubility,
stability and bioavailability of various active agents. Incorporation of bioactive
molecules into nano-constructs improves their ability to safely cross biological
membranes such as the GI tract, BBB, and skin. Nanoparticles made of lipid
components, natural or synthetic polymers, carbon, metals and inorganic
materials, have been used as drug carriers. Recently, exosomes have been
used as natural carriers to direct drug loads to certain body sites. Nucleotide
and protein based biological drugs require suitable nano-delivery systems
that protect them from deterioration and direct them into specific cells and
organs. In addition to the delivery of drugs, nanoparticles have been used as
diagnostic agents and as carriers of combined diagnostic and therapeutic
agents. The various nano-delivery systems should be tailored to fit the route
of administration. The various nano-constructs that have been used for the
delivery of active agents and diagnostics by different routes of administration
will be discussed.
Abraham J Domb, is a Professor for Medicinal Chemistry and
Biopolymers at the Faculty ofMedicine of theHebrewUniversity,
Jerusalem. He earned Bachelor’s degrees in Chemistry,
Pharmaceutics and Law from Bar-Ilan and Hebrew University
and PhD degree in Chemistry from Hebrew University. He did
his Postdoctoral training at MIT/Harvard andwas R&DManager
at Nova Pharm. Co. Baltimore US from 1988-1992. Since 1992,
he is a Faculty member at the Hebrew University with interests
on Biopolymer synthesis and applications, Biodegradable
polymers, Drug delivery systems, Medicinal Chemistry and
Forensic sciences. During 2007-2012, he served as Head of the
Division of Identification and Forensic Sciences (DIFS), Israel
Police. Since April 2014, he is also President of the Jerusalem
College of Engineering.
avid@ekmd.huji.ac.ilAdvances and challenges in pharmaceutical nanotechnology
Abraham J Domb
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Abraham J Domb, Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C2-011