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International Journal of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

ISSN: 2471-982X

Volume 4

March 26-28, 2018

Vienna, Austria

Pain Management 2018

Internal Medicine 2018

Page 41



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E d i t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Internal Medicine and Patient Care



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E d i t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Pain Management


lobal consumption of antibiotics has increased nearly 40%

in the last decade. The incredible rapid antibiotic resistance

which is taking place worldwide is not only a serious threat to

the practice of modern medicine, but also a threat to global

public health. This issue of bacterial resistance is so alarming

that it caught the attention of G-20 Summit in both China (2016)

and Germany (2017), let alone the U.N. Assembly in 2016 had

called for a special meeting of “superbugs” which focused on the

escalating drug resistancewith respect to the sexually transmitted

disease gonorrhea and carbapenemresistant Enterobacteriaceae.

While the causes of antibiotic resistance are complex, certainly

human behavior play a significant role in the spread of antibiotic

resistant genes. In addition to the human behavior, the drivers

of resistance include agriculture sector, animal husbandry,

household and industry – these factors contribute significantly

to the spread of the resistant genes within the ecosystem. Such

resistant mechanisms are continuously emerging globally, which

threatens our ability to treat common infections, resulting in

increased death, disability and costs. Since the development

and clinical use of penicillin, nearly 1000 resistant-related beta-

lactamases that inactivate various types of antibiotics have been

identified. There is also a global concern about the emergence

of antibiotic resistant carried by the healthy individuals, the

commensal bacteria. The CDC and WHO surveillance data

shows that the resistance in E. coli is generally and consistently

the highest for antibacterial agents in both human and veterinary

medicine. Within communities, resistant bacteria circulate from

person to person or from animals and environment to person, or

vice versa. With 1 billion people travelling each year, bacteria is

becoming more mobile. The bacterial resistance can kill 700,000

worldwide each year and it’s been estimated to kill 10 million by

2050. TheWHO estimates 78million people a year get gonorrhea,

an STD that can infect the genitals, rectum and throat - there is a

widespread resistance to the first-line medicine ciprofloxacin as

well as increasing resistance to azithromycin. The emergence of

resistance to last-resort treatments known as extended-spectrum

cephalosporins (ESCs) is now eminent.


Nassir, R. (Keynote Address). Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Crisis. 2017

OMED International Seminar, October 7, 2017. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

USA. Departments of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and, Family and Com-

munity Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

Antibiotic resistance: a threat to modern


Reza Nassiri

Departments of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and, Family and Community

Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

Reza Nassiri, Int J Anesth Pain Med 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-982X-C1-001