Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Session Introduction
Day 2
M a r c h 3 0 , 2 0 1 8
S e s s i o n s
Renewable Energy | Environmental Health
Science | Environmental Chemistry | Environment
Technology and Innovation
Session Chair
Tahira Aziz Mughal
Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan
Comparison of copper level in some wild edible mushrooms collected from Tunceli Province,
Muharrem INCE ,
Munzur University, Turkey
Sedimentation and mixing analysis in cattle manure feedstock in a stirred tank of anaerobic
Ali Reza Noorpoor,
University of Tehran, Iran
Assessment and optimization of a novel solar dual organic rankine cycle trigeneration system
based on exergy and exergoeconmic analyses
Fateme Ahmadi Boyaghchi,
Alzahra University, Iran
Environmental and economical assessment of tree diversity in green space of lahore, pakistan
Tahira Aziz Mughal,
Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan