Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 45
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
calculations covered in introductory chemistry. However, it
is also one of the most challenging concepts taught in both high
school and college/university level chemistry. Students coming
from high school usually struggle to understand stoichiometric
calculations; particular when dimensional analysis is applied.
An interactive tool is designed for gravimetric stoichiometric
calculations (GravStoich). GravStoich is designed to assist the
students and guide them through stoichiometric calculations, as
well as to reinforce the balancing of chemical equations and use
of significant figures. GravStoich is adaptive according to students’
improvement in solving the stoichiometric problems. GravStoich
guides the students through the solution of the problemusing three
levels of assistance. Level 1 - Students are given a blank flowchart
to assist in solving the gravimetric questions. Use of flowcharts
helps the students to understand the logic behind the calculations
involved in stoichiometric problems. Level 2 - Students are
given a blank dimensional analysis set-up to assist in solving a
gravimetric problem. Level 3 - Students are only provided a blank
area to input the final answer to the problem. Regardless of the
level of assistance, GravStoich provides a full feedback on how
the problem is solved using dimensional analysis. GravStoich has
the potential to be customized to any kind of chemical problems
involving stoichiometric calculations: electrochemistry, gas and
solution stoichiometry. GravStoich can be used on any computer
platform using Adobe Flash. We believe GravStoich is an excellent
interactive tool that helps to fill the gap between high school
chemistry and college/university introductory chemistry courses
with this challenging concept.
Elena Atrazheva has completed her PhD in Organic Chemistry fromEngelhardt
Institute of Molecular Biology (Moscow, Russia) and Postdoctoral studies
from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuti-
cal studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Her main research
focus was on the synthesis of nucleotides and nucleosides. She has worked
as a Research Scientist for several pharmaceutical companies in Canada. In
2005 she started her teaching career at the Mount Royal University as an In-
structor for Organic Chemistry courses. Since 2007, she has joint the Northern
Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) as a full-time Instructor. She is teaching
introductory level courses for Organic and General Chemistry.
elenaa@nait.caGravStoich: An interactive tool for practice and enhancement
in stoichiometric calculations
Elena Atrazheva
Alevtina Goulko
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Canada
Elena Atrazheva et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-015