Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 54
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
his qualitative study is part of a larger project to better
understand the impacts of flipped learning on a diverse set
of courses and students. Current studies of flipped learning
in higher education Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) disciplines have mainly focused on single-
courses and outcomes such as attendance, enjoyment of the
learning environment, course grades, and course completion
rates. Review of these studies show mixed results regarding the
effectiveness of flipping.This splitmay be the result of differences
in adoption or adaptation of the flipped method or differences
in the assessment practices used to gauge effectiveness.
Therefore, this multi-course multi-institution study, utilizing a
coordinated set of assessment instruments, and accounting
for adoption practices, is novel in scope and its potential for
transforming the understanding of this learning environment. To
better understand what it means to ‘flip’ a chemistry class, we
interviewed instructors about their adoption practices, conducted
classroom observations, analyzed classroom artifacts, and
conducted student focus groups. Data collection took place in six
introductory/general chemistry courses at four universities in the
United States. The instructor-reported elements of all six courses
were nearly identical, that is, all courses required students to 1)
watch videos to acquire content knowledge outside of class,
2) complete pre-class assessments of knowledge, 3) build
applications of knowledge through in-class activities, and 4)
further assess knowledge through online homework. However,
the way in which some elements were structured within a course
were very different and could be responsible for varied course
outcomes. For example, we observed that poor alignment of video
content with the pre-class assessment and/or in-class activity
reduced students’ use of and perceived value in the videos. In
addition, we found broad levels of engagement during in-class
activities. An overview of similarities and differences, including
their potential impacts will be presented.
jack.barbera@pdx.eduExploring the flipped chemistry classroom: A qualitative study
to characterize the elements used in supporting a flipped
learning environment
Jack Barbera
Michael M Phillips
Portland State University, USA
University of Northern Colorado, USA
J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-015