Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 43
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
odern synthesis including asymmetric synthesis, have made
fantastic progress during the last 40 years, especially by
developing and applying new catalytic reactions. This contributes
to render modern technologies more and more sustainable.
Synthetic chemists, biochemists and chemical engineers must be
able to predict whether a given equilibrium under given conditions
will be exergonic or not. For that, thermochemical calculations and
statistical thermodynamics are extremely simple, accurate and
valuable tools to answer this question. In the same time one needs
to be able to predict the rate of the reactions that will lead to the
above equilibrium. Knowledgeof reactionmechanisms (hownature
transforms matter) and theories of reactivity are the most useful
tools to help the molecular scientists. The Vogel-Hook textbook
has been written to help engineers of molecules to approach
satisfying answers to the above questions and help scientists to
understand the dynamics of molecules. It complements other
textbooks of organic chemistry and physical organic chemistry. It
also gives a lot of data the molecular scientists will find useful for
the invention of new reactions and processes. It presents the most
important concepts of the reactivity of organic and organometallic
compounds. The book present 8 chapters that are: equilibria and
thermochemistry; additivity rules for thermodynamic parameters
and deviations; the rates of chemical reactions; molecular orbital
theories; pericyclic reactions; organic photochemistry; catalytic
reactions and; transition metal-catalyzed C-C bond forming
reactions. A companion workbook gives the literature references
and answers to problems.
Pierre Vogel, PhD degree from the University of Lausanne, 1969 (Prof. H. Prinz-
bach). After post-doctoral stays at Yale University, NewHaven, USA (Prof. Mar-
tin Saunders) and at Syntex, Mexico-City (Prof. Pierre Crabbé) he return to Lau-
sanne and become Full Professor of chemistry in 1977, first at the University
of Lausanne, then (2001) at the EPFL. He has authored and co-authored more
than 525 scientific publications and collected more than 12'100 citations.
pierre.vogel@epfl.chOrganic chemistry: Theory, reactivity, mechanisms in modern
Pierre Vogel
Kendall N Houk
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
University of California, USA
Pierre Vogel et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-015