Case Reports 2018
Medical Case Reports
ISSN: 2471-8041
Page 64
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Clinical and Medical Case Reports
ow back pain is one of the most common medical problems
presenting to clinicians. Most Americans have experienced low
back pain at one time in their life. Direct health cost of LBP and
indirect cost due to reduced productivity are very high. Low back
pain is frequently classified and treated on the basis of symptom
duration and potential cause. Most episodes of back pain are
related to mechanical regional abnormalities, majority are self-
limited. Excessive and unnecessary diagnostic tests in this group
are not warranted. The therapy chosen for this common problem
should relieve symptoms with toxicities limited to a minimum,
while natural healing occurs. However, up to 10% of cases can
be due to serious non-mechanical / medical causes which
frequently missed. Because of high prevalence of LBP, this small
percentage will result in significant number of cases. Missing
or delaying the correct diagnosis can have dire consequences.
Spondyloarthropathy is an important medical cause of back pain,
it usually affects young male during productive years. Studies
showed an average of 8 years delay in diagnosis. The presence
of very effective treatment in recent years makes it of prime
importance to make this diagnosis on time and prevent long
suffering and financial loss. The physician’s role is to make the
correct diagnosis without delay, to keep the diagnostic cost down,
and to provide safe and effective treatment without causing any
financial, physical or psychological harm which might result from
delayed or incorrect diagnosis. In this lecture the physician will
learn how to navigate the signs and symptoms of LBP to identify
the non-mechanical/medical causes accurately and to implement
an appropriate treatment plan ASAP.
aymanmofti@gmail.comLow back pain – expert approach
Med Case Rep. 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8084-C1-003
Ayman Mofti
Al Biraa Arthritis & Bone Clinic, Dubai