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August 14-16, 2017 | Toronto, Canada




International Conference on

Neurosurg, an open access journal

ISSN: 2471-9633

Sequencing of the saliva of normal person and AD patients

Ki-Bong Song

Sogang University, Korea


ecently we show that salivary beta-amyloid protein

(Aβ) can be a potential biomarker to early diagnose

Alzheimer’s Diseases (AD). At results, the quantity of Aβ40

and Aβ42 in the saliva of normal young man (nYM) group,

normal elderly (nE) group and AD patients was measured

in the range from very low concentration (~pg/ml) to high

concentration (~ng/ml). To find out another bio-marker

in the saliva, by the use of Maldi-tof , we analyzed the size

of the salivary protein below less than 20kDa. As a result,

we found out that there was a specific protein which can

distinguish the Np from the AD patients and the size of that

was about 15kDa. In this study, we will briefly introduce

that the sequencing results for the salivary protein which

can distinguish between Np from the severe AD patients.

Therefore, we expect these results to further increase the

accuracy of the diagnosis of AD when the Aβ level diagnosis

was adapted simultaneously.

Speaker Biography

Ki-Bong Song received his Ph.D. degree, a doctorate in physics, in the department of

Physics of Sogang University, Korea. After working as a postdoc in KIST (Korea Institute

of Science and Technology), he is now a principal researcher in ETRI (Electronics and

Telecommunications Research Institute), Korea. His main research includes diagnosing

technique in AD and development of wearable technology

Yo Han Choi received his Ph.D. degree, a doctorate in virology, in the department of

Life Science of POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Korea. After

working as a postdoc. in POSTECH, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and

Technology), and University of Alberta, Canada, he is now a principal researcher in ETRI

(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Korea. His main research

includes diagnostic chips, nanoparticles, protein engineering, and peptide library




Ki-Bong Song, Neurosurg 2017, 2:2

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-005