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August 17-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
Ann Biol Sci, 2017
ISSN: 2348-1927
RBBP6 isoform 3 plays a role in cell cycle regulation and carcinogenesis in cervical cancer
Zodwa Dlamini
Zukile Mbita
Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa
ervical cancer is rated the second most common
malignant tumor globally, and is etiologically highly
linked to the human papillomavirus. South Africa is reported
to have the highest incidence of cervical cancer in the
world. It is the most common cancer in Black (31.2%) and
Colored (22.9%) South African women. The DWNN domain
is a novel ubiquitin-like cell death-related protein, that
only makes up RBBP6 isoform 3 and RBBP6 isoform 1 and
2 also contain a zinc finger, RING finger, Rb-binding domain,
p53- binding domain and Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS)
downstream of the DWNN domain. This research was aimed
at determining a consensus of gene expression pattern
of the RBBP6 in cervical cancer both at mRNA and protein
levels using ISH/FISH; ICC, RT-PCR and Western blotting. It
was also of interest to determine the involvement of RBBP6
in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. In this study, there
was no detectable localization of the RBBP6 mRNAs in the
tumor islands. The normal tissue showed few labeled cells.
These results are in agreement with prior studies, which
reported that cervix expresses low levels of RBBP6. In the
cervical tumors, although tumor cells lacked RBBP6 mRNA,
some cells in tissue located between the tumor islands were
RBBP6 positive. It was found that cervical cancer cells (HeLa)
do express the DWNN domain-containing RBBP6 gene
products, at least at the mRNA level as demonstrated by FISH
and RT-PCR. In this cell line RBBP6 exhibited both nuclear
and cytoplasmic localization in mitotic cells (rearrangement
of chromosomes as a marker for mitosis, with visible
metaphase and anaphase) showing up-regulation of the
RBBP6. Localization of DWNN-containing proteins in HeLa
cells showed RBBP6 proteins
in situ
in HeLa cells and mitotic
Hela cells at telophase showing increased lRBBP6 levels.
RBBP6 isoform 3 was also shown to cause cell cycle arrest
at G2/M and its diminished expression resulted in cell cycle
progression. We have also shown that RBBP6 isoform 3 plays
a role in cell cycle regulation and carcinogenesis in cervical
cancer. These studies have shown that RBBP6 isoform 3 has
great potential as a therapeutic target for cervical cancer
biomarker and drug development.
Speaker Biography
Professor Zodwa Dlamini is the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation &
Engagements at Mangosuthu University of Technology and a Professor of Molecular
and Functional Genomics. She was previously the Deputy Executive Dean at UNISA.
She is also the current Vice-Chairperson of the South African Medical Research Council
Board. She obtained her BSc and BSc.Hons. in Biochemistry from the University of
the Western Cape, MSc from the University of Natal and PhD from the University
of Natal. Her research interests include the “omics” technologies including the use
of bioinformatics to provide unprecedented possibilities to identify the underlying
molecular basis of cancer.
e: Dlamini et al., Ann Biol Sci, 2017, 5:3
DOI: 10.21767/2348-1927-C1-002