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August 17-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada




Ann Biol Sci, 2017

ISSN: 2348-1927


o eradicate HIV in individuals on ART (antiretroviral

therapy), it is imperative to eliminate both CD4+ T cells

and myeloid cell reservoirs. Most research to-date has

focused on eliminating the latent reservoir of CD4+ T cells.

However, information regarding the potential elimination

of HIV-infected macrophages is lacking. We have previously

demonstrated that resistance of monocyte-derived

macrophages (MDMs) to Vpr-induced effects was attributed

to inhibitors of apoptosis (c-IAP-2) expression. These results

suggest that strategies based on suppressing IAP-1/2 by

its specific inhibitor, smac mimetics (SM) may be useful in

killing HIV-infected macrophages. Our results show that SM

do not affect uninfected normal MDMs but selectively kill



HIV-infected macrophages, and macrophages derived

from the HIV-infected patients. We also show that by using

HIV-GFP strain, SM induced apoptosis of HIV- infected

macrophages. In addition, HIV-chronically infected U1 cells

were highly susceptible to SM-induced apoptosis in contrast

to its corresponding U937 cells. We have investigated the

molecular mechanism governing selective apoptosis of HIV-

infected macrophages by SM. Our results show that SM

induced macrophage cell death through apoptosis and not

through necroptosis. Furthermore, SM-induced apoptosis in

HIV-infected macrophages is not mediated through TNF-α.

In addition,

in vitro

HIV infection inhibits expression of RIP-1,

RIP-3 and TRAF-1 and bid. Inhibition of Rip-1 by its inhibitor,

necrostatin, induced cell death in normal macrophages

following treatment with SM suggesting a key role for Rip-1 in

SM-induced killing of HIV-infected macrophages. Overall, the

results suggest that inhibitions of IAPs could be a potential

strategy to selectively kill HIV-infected macrophages.

Speaker Biography

Ashok Kumar is a Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

and in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology at the Universi-

ty of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is also a Senior Scientist at the Children’s Hospital of

Eastern Ontario, Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada. His main research interests

are in the field of HIV immunopathogenesis, induction and regulation of apoptosis in

HIV-infected human macrophages, regulation of T helper cytokines in health and dis-

ease and Toll-like receptor signaling in healthy and HIV-infected innate immune cells

such as human macrophages and macrophage subsets.


Ashok Kumar

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada

Inhibition of the inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) genes and selective apoptosis of

HIV-infected human macrophages

Ashok Kumar, Ann Biol Sci, 2017, 5:3

DOI: 10.21767/2348-1927-C1-002