E u r o s c i c o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
3D Printing and Wireless
American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
ISSN: 2349-3917
S e p t e m b e r 1 7 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 8
L i s b o n , P o r t u g a l
Wireless and Printing Technology 2018
Page 18
he evolution from 4G to 5G wireless systems is driven by the expected
huge growth in user bit rates and overall system throughput. This requires
a substantial spectral efficiency increase, while maintaining or even improving
power efficiency. To accomplish this, one needs new transmission techniques, with
the most promising ones being millimeter waves (mmW) and massive multiple-
input multiple-output (m-MIMO). m-MIMO schemes involving several tens or even
hundreds of antenna elements are expected to be central technologies for 5G
systems. This can lead array power gain increments proportional to the number of
antennas.The useofm-MIMOcombinedwith single-carrier with frequency domain
equalization (SC-FDE) modulations, which aims to reduce the peak-to-average
power ratio is considered as compared to other block transmission techniques
(e.g. OFDM). A low-complexity iterative frequency domain receiver based on
the maximum ratio combining and equal gain combining approach is proposed.
Moreover an iterative receiver, which considers an iterative detection and channel
estimation, is proposed. The channel estimates usually obtained with the help
of pilot symbols and/or training sequences are multiplexed with data symbols.
Since this leads to spectral degradation, the use of superimposed pilots (i.e., pilots
added to data) was recently proposed as an efficient alternative. Our performance
results show that the proposed receiver allows excellent performance with the
use of the channel data obtained from the channel estimation, while keeping the
complexity at low level.
Massive MIMO techniques applied to 5G
Mario Marques da Silva
Joao Guerreiro
and Rui Dinis
Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal
Mario Marques da Silva et al., Am J Compt Sci Inform Technol 2018 Volume: 6
DOI: 10.21767/2349-3917-C2-004
Mário Marques da Silva is an Associate Professor and the
Director of the Department of Sciences and Technologies at
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. He is also a Researcher
at Instituto de Telecomunicações, in Lisbon, Portugal. He has
been involved in multiple networking and telecommunications
projects. His research interests include networking and mobile
communications namely 5G communications, interference
cancellation, MIMO systems, channel estimation, software
defined radio, IP technologies and network security. He is the
author of five books entitled “
Multimedia Communications
and Networking
”, “
Transmission Techniques for Emergent
Multicast and Broadcast Systems
”, “
Transmission Techniques
for 4G Systems
”, “MIMO Processing for 4G and Beyond:
Fundamentals and Evolution
” and “
Cable andWireless Networks:
Theory & Practice
” (all from CRC Press). Moreover, he is an
Author of several dozens of journal and conference papers,
a Member of IEEE and AFCEA, and Reviewer for a number of
international scientific IEEE journals and conferences. Finally, he
has chaired many conference sessions and has been serving
in the organizing committee of relevant EURASIP and IEEE