Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 47
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Roberta Lotito et al., J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2
Proposal and application of a new method to evaluate the odour impact index for high-impact
Roberta Lotito
Maria Laura Mastellone
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
ir quality has already an important role in the agenda of the worldwide organisations and government due to the presence
of some compounds that could impact the ecosystem as well as the human health. Another interesting aspect related
to the atmospheric quality is the odour nuisance. Indeed, there is the possibility that, even if the single compound does not
exceed the limit imposed, the odour creates malaise among the population. To quantify the odour concentration from sources
or near the receptor, it is common to use the dynamic olfactometry system for the first case and the field inspection for the
second. However, both of these techniques require competent laboratories, long time analysis and cannot be used to predict
the impact of future source. Therefore, since odour is a molecule characteristic, the chemical conversion it also used not only
to evaluate the local impact but also to estimate potential impact from future facilities. This work presents a comparison
of these conversion methods applied to a specific case study. In particular, the assessment of air quality is carried out on a
highly industrialised area and in the near municipalities by passive sampler analysers. In addition, based on the well-known
conversion and in consideration of the hedonic tone of single compound, it is proposed a new factor to evaluate the odour
impact. The comparison between the official method and the new one proposed shows that the latter seams to assess better the
odour impact perceived by the research group during the local inspection.
Roberta Lotito is a ph.D. student at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Environmenatl, Design and Innovation. Her thesis focuses on the integration of the
odour impact evaluation in the envirmontal impact assessment procedures. She spent sixth months as visiting ph.D. student at Institue for Chemical and Fuels
from Alternative Resource (ICFAR) of the Western Ontario University (Canada – 2017/2018) where she studied the local emission of the Landfill by using inverse
modelling methodology. She won the “Best Italian Paper” award during the “Sardinia_2017 symposium” presenting part of her thesis work.