Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 35
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Determining Tamblingan Lake water quality status using method of STORET and AVSWAT model
Moh Sholichin
, Rini Wahyu Sayekti
Putu Mia Devi
University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Minister for Public Work and Human Settlements, Indonesia
amblingan Lake is a natural lake has a function as a sources of raw water dan tourism destination. The change in the
cultivation of farmers around Tamblingan from hard cropping pattern (coffee) to the annual plantations (flowers and
horticulture), if can’t be controlled may cause decreased of water quality. The objective of this study to determine the pollution
load from the agricultural element, and the water quality index based on existing condition. This research conducted tree
stages; chemical analysis of water quality indicators in laboratory, analysis of water quality status using STORET method
and water pollution load analysis using application AVSWAT Program. Based on measurement of water quality parameters
obtained Nitrate (NO3-N) amount to 1,002 mg/l, BOD5 amount to 934 mg/l, DO amount to 683 mg/l and phosphorous as P
amount to 764 mg/l. Water quality analysis using STORET method, total score from the results of the calculation is -10. These
value with range -1 to10 so that status of water quality of Tamblingan Lake is “B Class”. The pollution load of existing land
Tamblingan Lake for phosphorous inflow of 14,374 mm/ton/ha, Nitrate inflow of 47,515 mm/ton/ha/month, BOD5 inflow
of 469,635 mm/ton/ha/month, DO inflow amounted to 2054,8317 mm/ton/ha/month. The value is between (-1) to (-10), the
Water Quality Status of Tamblingan Lake Class B with contaminated lightly lake water condition.
Recent Publications
1. Laksni Sedyowati, Turijan, Suhardjono, Ery Suhartanto and Mohammad Sholichin (2018) Runoff behavior on
urban road intersection based on flow profile simulation. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable
Development 6(1):32-44.
2. Laksni Sedyowati, Turijan, Suhardjono, Ery Suhartanto and Mohammad Sholichin (2017) Runoff velocity behaviour
on smooth pavement and paving blocks surfaces measured by a tilted plot. Journal of Water and Land Development
3. Mohammad Sholichin, Very Dermawan, Suhardjono andDenik Sri Krisnayanti (2016) Energy dissipation of skimming
flow on flat and pooled stepped spillways. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 10(6).
4. Moh Sholichin (2012) Field investigation of groundwater contamination from solid waste landfill inMalang, Indonesia.
International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS 12(2):74-81.
5. S M Shirazi, M Sholichin, Mohammed Jameel, Shatirah Akib and Mokhtar Azizi (2011) Effects of different irrigation
regimes and nitrogenous fertilizer on yield and growth parameters of maize. International Journal of Physical Sciences
Moh Sholichin has completed his PhD from Malaya University, Malaysia in 2010. He was a Head of Water Resources Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty,
University of Brawijaya from 2010 until 2017. He has actively presented his papers in international seminars in many countries and has published more than 12
papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.
mochsholichin@ub.ac.idMoh Sholichin et al., J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2