Volume 2
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 38
July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Water Pollution & Sewage Management
International Conference on
Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment
Functionalized polymeric electrospun nanofibers for efficient removal of toxic organics from water
Manjeet Jassal, Saurabh Suryavanshi
A K Agrawal
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
anofibers high surface area to volume ratio can significantly enhance the activities requiring the use of increased surface
area such as adsorption of chemical species in filtration or controlled release of loaded drugs or chemical moieties.
β-cyclodextrin incorporated polystyrene and cellulose acetate nanofibers are electrospun by vertical solution electro spinning
method and the prepared nanofibers are characterized by SEM, FTIR, RAMAN and UV-Visible spectroscopy to understand
the changes in the nanofiber morphology and also to evaluate their potential activity for absorption of target molecular species
like ortho-chloro phenol from aqueous solution has been studied.
Recent Publications
1. Kamlesh Panwar, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal (2018) TiO
Janus particles for photocatalytic self-
cleaning of cotton fabric. Cellulose 25:2711–2720.
2. Kamlesh Panwar, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal (2018) Readily dispersible antimicrobial Ag-SiO
particles and their application on cellulosic fabric. Carbohydrate Polymers 187:43-50.
3. Kamlesh Panwar, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal (2017) Ag-SiO
Janus particles based highly active SERS
macroscopic substrates. Applied Surface Science 411:368-373.
4. Kamlesh Panwar, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal (2017) Atmospheric pressure plasma-assisted green synthesis
of amphiphilic SiO
Janus particles. Particuology 33:50-54.
5. Deepika Gupta, Manjeet Jassal and Ashwini K Agrawal (2016) Electrospinning behavior of poly(vinyl alcohol) in
DMSO-water binary solvent mixtures. RSC Advances 6:102947-102955.
Manjeet Jassal has completed her MS, MTech and PhD at IIT Delhi. She has an experience of over 13 years in the R&D division of Indian Petrochemical
Corporation Limited (IPCL), a leader in petrochemical sector. Since 1999, she is a Faculty in Department of Textile Technology at IIT Delhi. She has authored more
than 230 research publications in national and international journals, conference proceedings and books. She has worked in collaboration with several industries
and institutions and has many patents and technology transfers to her credit. She has expertise in chemistry and characterization of polymers and textiles,
hydrogels, superabsorbent materials, functional polymers and nanomaterials. Much of her work in the last few years is on the development and application of smart
and functional polymers/fibers, electrospun nanofibers, nanoparticles and functional nanofinishes/coatings. She is a member of several professional societies and
has won several awards.
@textile.iitd.ac.inManjeet Jassal et al., J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2