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Volume 2

Journal of Environmental Research

Page 74


July 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy




Edition of International Conference on

Water Pollution & Sewage Management



International Conference on

Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment

The industrial use of microalgae for wastewater treatment and mitigation of environment degradation

Armen B Avagyan

Research & Industry Centre of Photosynthesizing Organisms, Armenia


he industrial use of microalgae for wastewater purification based on their mixotrophic growth is alternative important

approaches as microalgae has higher stability, which enables their application in more concentrated and toxic environment,

with a higher purification level compared with activated sludge. In our experiment the separate use


microalgae for

purification wastewater of phenylalanine manufacturing with high quantity of phenol was the sole decision for biological

cleaning as activated sludge cannot help in such case. Generation of the symbiosis between bacteria of activated sludge and

microalgae in wastewater treatment plant (WTP) aeration oxidation ponds must be also a general way of improving wastewater

cleaning, as microalgae is also a cost effective flocculent, which allows the silts to settle more quickly, accumulates heavy metals,

etc. On the development technology for Yerevan chemical reagents and vitamin plants industrial WTP, we recommended two

phase biological purification: first phase by the use


with commercial production of biomass (only using of activated

sludge was no sustainable due high concentration of organic components) and at second phase – transfer centrate with rest

amount of microalgae cells to aero thanks with activated sludge aimed to formation bacteria-microalgae consortium. We offer

also the addition of microalgae biomass in tailings ponds of Canadian oil sands operators aimed at the improvement of the

microbial balance for the water speedily cleaning, recycling and reusing from arsenic, cyanide, naphthenic acids, mercury,

sulphuric acid, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with mitigation of GHG emission, etc. For this objective the

use of microalgae biomass may be in the following variants: the use accounted volume of non-separated microalgae suspension

produced by the use of food scraps, the centrate to inject into the tailing ponds for creating the microalgae-bacteria symbiosis.

J Environ Res 2018, Volume: 2