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Nursing Education 2018

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

Page 19

April 23-25, 2018

Rome, Italy



Edition of World Congress on

Nursing Education &


Statement of the Problem

: Today’s professionals are faced

with increasingly complex health needs of the population.

A combination of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills is

required to ensure that the care is patient-centered, holistic

and of the highest possible quality. However, multiprofessional

simulation education has not been used enough as a part of

continuing education.


: The purpose of the research was to describe nursing

and medical staff’s experiences of the usefulness of simulation

education in one hospital district in Finland. The research

aimed at producing user-oriented knowledge to be used in

the development of multiprofessional simulation pedagogical

continuing education. The study is part of a larger research

project, whose purpose is to build up a multiprofessional

simulated learning environment for a network of partners. They

involve a university of applied sciences, a vocational education

center, a health technology development center and a hospital



: Data were collected using a web-based survey

tool. The questionnaire contained both quantitative and

qualitative items. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS

Statistics for Windows 23 and qualitative data was analyzed

using inductive content analysis.


: Both nursing and medical staff experience that

simulation education is useful for the development of their

theoretical and practical competence. They need simulation

based education that aims at better management of clinical

care situations. Simulation education enables to develop

communication skills. Simulation education has also an

important role in promoting teamwork skills. Teamwork is

one of the essential skills that should be practiced to promote

collaboration and reduce errors. Successful multiprofessional

teamwork has the benefits of combining skills and knowledge,

crossing boundaries and creating effective networks to

develop a more client-centered approach. Learning together

can improve participants’ technical and non-technical skills.

Conclusion & Significance

: The knowledge produced in this

research can be used in planning multiprofessional simulation

pedagogical continuing education.


Mari H Salminen Tuomaala, PhD in Health Sciences is a Senior Lecturer in

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Care and Social

Work. She is a Project Manager in simulation based education research and

development project. She has worked over 20 years as Registered Nurse at

medical departments, cardiac care unit and emergency department before

teaching career. Her main research and expertise areas concern acute care

(intensive care, out-of-hospital emergency care, care and counseling at the

emergency department), simulation based education, psychosocial coping

of myocardial infarction patients and their spouses, families as clients in

health care and families in challenging life situations. She has about 40 con-

ference presentations and over 50 scientific publications.

Nursing and medical staff’s experiences of simulation education

Mari H Salminen Tuomaala

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Mari H Salminen Tuomaala, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-002