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Nursing Education 2018

Session Introduction

Day 1

A p r i l 2 3 , 2 0 1 8

S e s s i o n s

Nursing in Emergency Medicine | Critical Care and

Emergency Nursing | Nurse Career and Education |

Patient Safety & Health Care |Teaching Strategies in

Nursing Education

Session Chair

Branko Gabrovec

National institute of Public Health, Slovenia


Nursing and medical staff’s experiences of simulation education

Mari H Salminen-Tuomaala,

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland


Do we know how to learn after graduating? Lifelong learning among community and oncology

nurses – A cross sectional study

Tal Granot,

Davidoff Cancer Center & Tel Aviv University, Israel


Exploring the views and experiences of teenage parents as service users of universal child and

family health care services in the Irish context

Marcella Kelly,

National University of Ireland, Galway


Why do we sometimes say NO? Consensus on the acaccommodation of traditional practices in

critical care unit

Tanya Heyns,

University of Pretoria, South Africa


Caring in nursing homes to promote autonomy and participation

Maria Hedman,

University of Gavle, Sweden


The relationship of ethics education and moral sensitivity among undergraduate nursing students

HalaMohamedMohamed Bayoumy,

King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences, Kingdomof

Saudi Arabia


START or SALT: Which triage system would you choose for yourself and your community?

Paul Rega,

University of Toledo, USA


Lions don’t eat grass…Addressing communication in critical care to enhance teamwork

Tanya Heyns,

University of Pretoria, South Africa


Mother's perception of their term and preterm babies

Selen Özakar Akça,

Hitit University Health School, Corum, Turkey


Comparison of the effects of concept mapping and problem-based learning on critical thinking

skills of nursing students

Mohammad Gholami,

Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran


Hydrofluoric Acid: The next terrorist weapon? Preparing yourself and your team

Paul Rega,

University of Toledo, USA

Session Co-chair

Marcella Kelly

National University of Ireland, Galway