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Nursing Education 2018

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

Page 26

April 23-25, 2018

Rome, Italy



Edition of World Congress on

Nursing Education &



: Nurses appear to be disengaged from their work

and workplace cultures. A three-year emancipatory practice

development research project was done in 11 critical care

units in Gauteng, a province in South Africa supported the

statement. Existing workplace cultures in five public and six

private critical care units were observed for a total of 230 hours.

Communication was identified as one of the key challenges

that affected teamwork negatively.


: To share how communication challenges were

collaboratively addressed to improve teamwork in one public

critical care unit.


: Using a qualitative approach, all nurses working

in one critical care unit in a public hospital were purposively

sampled. Five caring conversations were held (including six to

nine participants per session) in the unit over a period of two

months. Collaborative data analysis and consensus were used

to identify communication challenges and co-construct a way

forward to improve teamwork.


: Consensus was reached that through verbal and

non-verbal communication nurses displayed ‘unacceptable

behaviour’ which negatively affected teamwork in the critical

care unit. The ‘unacceptable behaviour’ characteristics were

outlined and then linked to the animals e.g. the crocodile.

Photos of the animal were displayed in the tearoom to raise

awareness of unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated

in the unit. The actions improved the overall behaviour as well

as teamwork in the unit.


: Nurses should be able to be open and speak

about challenges relating to workplace culture experienced in

practice. Setting ground rules such as being non-judgemental

provides a psychological safe space to talk freely about

feelings and co-construct action plans to move towards

positive workplace cultures. The nurses voiced that we should

remember that ‘Lions do not eat grass’.


Prof T Heyns is a senior lecturer at University of Pretoria for past 19 years

involved in the education and training of pre-graduate and post-graduate

students. Her area of clinical expertise is Emergemcy Nursing Care. She

has supervised post-graduate scholars to completion a total of 41 Masters

and 3 PhD students.. Currently she is supervising 11 Masters and 10 PhD

students. She is an external examiner at several national and international

universities, has examined 25 Masters dissertations and 9 PhD thesis. She

has presented at various National and International Conferences relating

Trauma and Emergency care as well as Practice development in the Critical

Care environment. She has 20 published article in National and International

Journals and is a lead researcher in an International Practice development

research project with NRF Funding. She is a Fellow of the Academia of Nurs-

ing in South Africa (FANSA), as well as the past president of the Emergency

Nursing Society of South Africa.

Lions don’t eat grass…Addressing communication in critical

care to enhance teamwork

Tanya Heyns


Isabel Coetzee

University of Pretoria, South Africa

Tanya Heyns et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-002