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Nursing Education 2018

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

Page 29

April 23-25, 2018

Rome, Italy



Edition of World Congress on

Nursing Education &


Statement of the problem

: Hydrofluoric Acid (HFA) is an agent

whose components’ action upon human tissue is unique among

hazardous agents. This ubiquitous chemical destroys skin,

fascia, muscle, and bone. The fluoride anion attaches with the

body’s calcium creating the potential for hypocalcemia, tetany

and death in minutes if countermeasures are not instituted

immediately. Calcium in all of its iterations is the antidote of

choice. However, as much as HFA is a clear and present danger,

knowledge of the agent, its clinical manifestations, and the

therapeutic options are not taught among the medical and

nursing specialties. This presentation serves to discuss HFA,

demonstrate the use of high-fidelity simulators to reinforce

education, and present an HFA mass casualty table-top


Methodology & Theoretical Orientation

: A primer on HFA was

available to the learner. Afterwards, an HFA case scenario

was developed and the learner was challenged to deliver

appropriate care at the scene of the exposure and in the

emergency department. Emphasis was placed on the proper

utilization of antidotes. The final stage is a table-top exercise

dealing with multiple victims of an intentional attack and the

efficient use of the various therapeutic choices based upon the

initial triage of the victims.


: Learners have acknowledged that the use of high-

fidelity simulations reinforced their traditional education of

uncommon but life-threateningmedical conditions such as HFA

exposure. The addition of a mass casualty event was purposely

created to address terrorism and the need of emergency

nurses and physicians to act quickly and competently to utilize

resources efficaciously and save lives.

Conclusion & Significance

: HFA is a unique hazardous agent

that has not achieved the proper recognition as a potential

agent of terror. The use of case simulations and table-top

exercises can resolve that issue efficiently and entertainingly.


Paul Rega has been an Emergency Physician for over thirty years and has

been board-certified in Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Emergency Med-

icine until his retirement. At present, his activities have been concentrated

in education and research at The University of Toledo College of Medicine

where he is an Assistant Professor in both the Department of Public Health

& Preventive Medicine and the Department of Emergency Medicine. He

currently has a number of semester courses relating to pandemics, global

health, and disasters. Virtually all of his educational endeavors are multidis-

ciplinary in nature (Medicine, Nursing, PA, Pharmacology, and Public Health)

and he makes extensive use of simulation (table-top and functional exercis-

es, high-fidelity simulations, hybrid simulations, etc.). His association with

the university has also resulted in a number of publications in peer-reviewed

journals and grants associated with disaster medicine, simulationmedicine,

and pandemic preparedness and response.

Hydrofluoric acid: the next terrorist weapon? Preparing

yourself and your team

Paul Rega

University of Toledo, USA

Paul Rega, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-002