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Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

April 23-25, 2018

Rome, Italy

Nursing Education 2018

Page 38



Edition of World Congress on

Nursing Education &




in India. In past, the progress of nursing has been hindered by

many difficulties. Since Independence 1947, many changes have

taken place and attitude toward nursing is still changing. The

basic programme for combined general nursing and midwifery

developed rapidly after 1871. Nursing research progression is

evident by emergence of professional organizations, growth

of educational institutions, research and in-depth curriculum.

Indian Nursing Council is a statutory body that regulates nursing

education and ensures measures for equivalence, exchange and

practice for nurses in India and in abroad. Continuing nursing

education supports the professional practice of nursing and the

delivery of safe, evidence-based, high-quality care for patient. It

supports nurses to acquire updated knowledge and skills needed

to practice as technology advances. In India, nursing profession

follows evidence based practice; it is booming day by day. In

contest, statutory councils have initiated continuing nursing

education at national and state level as a mandatory practice

to renew the licensure for nursing practice. Inter professional

research for nurses and inculcation of research in the curriculum

echoed the impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) to improve

the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of care. The nursing

teacher in today’s times of rapid advancement in technology

is no longer be the only way for imparting knowledge and skill

in classroom and in clinical setting. Integration of theoretical

and practice is a demand in nursing. In India, the teaching

strategies in most of the nursing colleges are still following

traditional method but there are universities, which follow

advance technology in theory and clinical teaching. Name a few;

simulation based learning, problem based learning, e-learning,

use of multimedia in the classroom, blended learning, etc.

Commonly recommended strategy to improve nursing education

is to recruit more quality faculty and to support existing faculty

to develop their educational provision and practice. Challenges

are inadequate educational monitoring and governance at

state and central level; poor physical infrastructure; lack of

professional development; inadequate clinical experience etc.

Opportunities are international collaborating for conferences;

international partnership indicated for collaborative approach

for education and research; participatory approach for entire

nursing curriculum development process.


Sheetal Barde, a dynamic individual with excellent nursing and leadership

skills who has a track record of delivering academic excellence in a profes-

sional manner through her academic performance. She is highly motivat-

ed, energetic and has a positive, realistic and supportive attitude towards

the needs of her students. She can effectively lead and supervised students

with varied level of knowledge to help them to achieve set targets. She is

working as an educationalist for last 8 years. Her Passion is to teach and

guide students in developing new learning strategies as well as to make

them aware about their strengths. She has done her specialization in

Psychiatric Nursing. To her account she has 15 research publications in

Indexed Journals. Reviewer Board Member of Scopus indexed Journals.

Currently she is working as Assistant Professor at Symbiosis College of

Nursing, Symbiosis International University, Pune. India.

Progression of nursing education and

research in India

Sheetal Barde alias Sheetal Anand Bobade

Symbiosis International University, India

Sheetal Barde alias Sheetal Anand Bobade, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-002