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Nano Research & Applications
ISSN 2471-9838
E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Nanotechnology &
Smart Materials
O c t o b e r 0 4 - 0 6 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Nanotechnology & Smart Materials 2018
Adsorption onto apatites and application to biomaterials
Allal Barroug
1, 2
, H Noukrati
, H Ait Said
, S Cazalbou
H Oudadesse
, C Combes
and C Rey
University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco
MSN-CIAM, (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
CIRIMAT-PPB, INPT-CNRS-UPS, University of Toulouse, France
ISCR, UMR CNRS 6226, University of Rennes 1, France
alcium phosphates (CaP) have been widely used in the medical field as synthetic bone substitute and as carrier for targeted
delivery applications. The apatite materials are similar to the bone mineral phase in terms of composition and biological
properties and have the ability to form strong bonds with the bone tissues. Thus, it is needed to gain better understanding on the
CaP biomineralization process as well as their interaction with biological environment in the living systems. This study aims at
investigating under various conditions, the adsorption of polyanionic biomolecules onto synthetic CaP nanocrystals, in order to
elucidate the effect of mineral active ions and the role of the functional groups in the uptake and release processes. The results
revealed that equilibrium conditions were mostly reached within a short time of contact, attesting of the high surface reactivity
of the apatite crystals. Biomolecules containing active end groups interact strongly with apatite crystals and are generally
characterized by higher adsorption parameters, leading to isotherms Langmuirian in shape. Inversely, weak interaction occurs
for simple molecules; the evolution of the loaded amount adsorbed for the latter, as a function of its remaining concentration in
solution, conformed to the Freundlich-type isotherm. Furthermore, the process was irreversible with respect to dilution, while the
adsorbed molecules were displaced when active species were added to the medium. A deep investigation of the uptake-release
onto/from apatite surface indicated that adsorption for dilute solutions could be described as an ion-exchange process involving
the functional groups of the molecules and the ionic groups at the apatite surface. For concentrated solutions, the interaction
appears to be reactive and the adsorption process could then be described as a multifactor phenomenon. The present study
indicated that control of the loading and release capacity of CaP materials is required to design drug delivery systems that meets
the clinical needs.
a.barroug@uca.maNano Res Appl Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C6-025