NanoMat 2018
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Page 73
April 26-27, 2018
Rome, Italy
Edition of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in
Materials Science and
6x6 matrix of anodization experiments was planned and
designed to obtain a tubular matrix of TiO
where we can
observe and identify exactly how the morphology is influenced by
voltage and time under an organic electrolyte and using graphite
as cathode, even identify the time-lapse where nanograss is
introducing in our nanotubular matrix. The anodization process
consisted of an organic electrolyte of ethylene glycol, deionized
water and NH4F, six different voltages and a time lapse from 1 to
6 hours. After the anodization, the whole set of anodized samples
were rinsed with deionized (DI) water and dried under heat
gun (low temperature), no samples were cleaned in ultrasonic
bath because we wanted to preserve the nanograss structure
if it was there. The anodized samples were annealed to obtain
the crystalline anatase phase. Optical characterization was
performed by Raman spectroscopy to identify the increases in
signal intensity, associated with the presence of nanotubes or
nanograss. The morphological characterization was performed
with scanning electron microscopy to visually verify the presence
and density of the nanotubes, morphological structure (radial and
length dimensions) and if nanograss was in there.
Figure 1:
TiO2 nano tubes matrix.
M Luna Cervantes studying a Master Sciences in Micro and Nano Systems.
Several years was dedicated to teaching fields in 3D Technology (printing,
scanning and modeling) using vanguard devices. Currently the goals are fo-
cused into research and science to SERS applications and how we can use
it for environment cleaning applications.
marcos_luna_c@hotmail.comStudy of the influence of voltage and time on the morphology
of TiO2 nanotube matrix using graphite as cathode and organic
M Luna Cervantes, A Báez Rodríguez, A M Ceballos Valle, A C García Velasco, Ma
G Soriano Rosales, J Hernández Torres
Y L Zamora Peredo
Centro de Investigación en Micro y Nanotecnología - Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
M Luna Cervantes et al., Nano Res Appl, Volume:4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C1-009