Materials Congress 2018
Page 64
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
W o r l d C o n g r e s s o n
Materials Science & Engineering
A u g u s t 2 3 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
he modern theory of phase transitions cannot explain the results of
many experiments of interphase mass transfer. One reason for this is
the assumption that during crystallization, the solution is in the metastable
state. The purpose of this study to show that in many cases, the solution
during crystallization can be an unstable state. The unstable condition leads
to decomposition of the solution by spinodal scenario. The unstable solution
decomposes continuously in the whole volume in this case. Experimental
demonstration of spinodal decomposition of the solution is conducted video
shooting process of decomposition of an aqueous solution of bromothymol
blue while its crystallization. Locally, configuration thermodynamic model is
used to explain the state changes of the solution during the phase transition.
Spinodal decomposition of the solution explains the process of formation of
a periodic distribution of the eutectic composites. The layer of the unstable
solution is localized in front of the unstable interface. The unstable solution
decomposes into phases, which have a composition close to the eutectic
composition of the solid phases. The period of alternation of these phases
is set by the period of instability of the interface. Experiments show that the
formation of dendrites in the mushy zone and extremum of the component
concentration during steady-state regime of crystallization close to interface
also occurs in the spinodal decomposition scenario. Spinodal decomposition
during crystallization solutions can be used for their separation into the
eutectic phase.
Alex Guskov has received his PhD in 1982 from Physical
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Later, he worked
in Institute of Solid State Physics, the Russian Academy of
Sciences where he investigated the Influence of Interaction of
Laser Radiation and a Solid. Simultaneously he was engaged
in application of technological processes in manufacture of
electronic devices. Now his research interest focuses on Heat
Mass Transfer during the Phase Transition. decomposition during crystallization of solutions
Alex Guskov
Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS, Russia
Alex Guskov et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C4-018