Materials Congress 2018
Page 70
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
W o r l d C o n g r e s s o n
Materials Science & Engineering
A u g u s t 2 3 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
anotubular materials are promising in terms of their potential technological applications, mainly due to their specific
properties, such as their surface structure, mechanical resistance, reactivity, etc. An example of these is imogolite, a
nanotubular aluminosilicate, which has been studied due to its great industrial potential, especially for its surface differentiation,
with two different active sites (Al-OH and Si-OH, external and internal surface, respectively). In the search for new properties
that allow extending applications of this material, incorporation of elements with similar properties has been proposed, in order
to obtain structural and superficial modifications of this material, such as the reported replacement of Al by Fe and Si by Ge. In
this context, in the present work, the synthesis and characterization of a new imogolite isostructure was performed, with the
substitution of Al (III) by Cr (III), called Cr-Imogolite, with Al / (Al + Cr) ratio = 0.01 (Cr-Imo-1); 0.05 (Cr-Imo-5) and 1 (Cr-Imo-100),
to evaluate the effect of chromium incorporated in the formation and morphology of nanotubes. The experimental procedure
used is similar to that described by Denaix et al. (1999), using Al(NO
O, CrCl
and TEOS as reagents. The images obtained
from the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of Cr-Imo-1 and Cr-Imo-5 exhibit the presence of nanotubes like imogolite in
their characteristics, however, with small variations in diameter and length, while in the micrographs of Cr-Imo-100, amorphous
structures are observed. In addition, when evaluating surface behavior through isoelectric point determination (IEP), curves and
IEP of the first two samples are like that reported for imogolite of, with a different behavior for Cr-Imo-100, which exhibits
a considerably lower PIE. In conclusion, the chromium present in the synthesis directly affects the formation and size of the
nanotube formed, depending on the percentage of substitution in the material.
cristobal.flores@usach.clCharacterization of the effect produced in
the formation and morphology of functional
nanotubes (imogolite) by the presence of Cr (III)
Cristobal Flores, P Sepulveda and N Arancibia Miranda
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C4-018