Laser Optics & Photonics and Atomic & Plasma Science 2018
J u l y 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 8
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Page 29
American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
ISSN: 2349-3917
E u r o S c i C o n J o i n t E v e n t o n
Laser Optics & Photonics and
Atomic & Plasma Science
ntiminide materials are featured with their large spin-orbit splitting energy,
that could supress the Auger recombination consequently advance in the
applications for lasers. However, its combinationwitharsenidematerials always
constructs a hole-confinement type-II band alignment, which reduces electron-
hole wave-function overlap and makes them less attractive for use in lasers.
Use of quantum ring (QR) and quantum dot (QD) geometries in antimonide/
arsenide heterostructures, produces strong Coulomb binding of electrons to
the positively charged QR/QD which allows efficient radiative recombination
resulting in photoluminescence emission up to 400 K. In addition, the QR/
QD of GaSb/GaAs offers room temperature emission wavelengths in the
commercially important 1260-1675 nm telecom bands, while InSb/InAs QD
provides emission wavelengths in the important mid-infrared range (2.0-5.0
um). In this talk, I will review our recent research achievements in GaSb/GaAs
QR lasers for telecom use and InAs/InAs QD mid-infrared lasers. Furthermore, I
will discuss the quantum structures of GaSb disks embedded in GaAs nanowire
and their potential applications in single photon emissions
Q Zhuang has completed his PhD from the Institute of Semi-
conductors, CAS, China in 1999. He is a Senior Lecturer in the
Physics Department at Lancaster University, UK. He is the group
leader of MBE Research Laboratory where he has been leading
the research in MBE grown semiconductor nanostructures. His
current research is focused on novel dissimilar alloys, quantum
dots, nanowires, semiconductor/graphene hybrid material sys-
tems, ranging from MBE epitaxial growth to development of
optoelectronics through fundamental physics studies. He has
published 2 book chapters and more than 70 papers in peer-re-
viewed scientific journals including
Nano Letters, Nature Com-
munication, Nanoscale, Applied Physics Letters and Physical Re-
B. He is an Editorial Member of
Nature Scientific Reports
q.zhuang@lancaster.ac.ukAntimonide quantum materials for laser applications
Q Zhuang
1, 2
, Z M Jin
, P Hodgson
, H Manus
, Z M Wang
A M Sanchez
Lancaster University, UK
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences-UESTC, China
Warwick University, UK
Q Zhuang et al., Am J Compt Sci Inform Technol 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.21767/2349-3917-C1-002