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Laser Optics & Photonics and Atomic & Plasma Science 2018

J u l y 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 8

P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c

Page 66

American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology

ISSN: 2349-3917

E u r o S c i C o n J o i n t E v e n t o n

Laser Optics & Photonics and

Atomic & Plasma Science

Jiang Yu, Am J Compt Sci Inform Technol 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.21767/2349-3917-C1-003


ight travels through a vacuum at speed c regardless of the motion of the

light source or that of an observer's frame of reference. Consequently, some

time is required for light to travel from a light source to an observer in space,

such that the emission of light and the observance of the emitted light are

not simultaneous. Based on these considerations, a method for measuring

the absolute velocity of an observer is proposed, which could be used for

determining a spacecraft's state of motion from inside a closed cabin. In this

study, a new explanation of the Lorentz transformation is also introduced.


Jiang Yu has graduated from China Pharmaceutical Universi-

ty. He is a Pharmaceutical Engineer. He has been working on

Philosophy for 20 years and established his own ideological

system. Every natural phenomenon is described by principle of

physics and backed by mathematics. Everyone is startled that

he is not a physics professional as after all its natural for the

physics professional to have their own natural ideology and per-

ception based on which they strive to unlock the true potential

of nature. Benefiting from a solid philosophical foundation, he

solved the problem of absolute speed.

An analysis on absolute velocity

Jiang Yu

Guangzeng Group Co Ltd, China