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Crystallography 2018

Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication

ISSN: 2470-9905

Page 53

June 04-05, 2018

London, UK



Edition of International Conference on

Advanced Spectroscopy,

Crystallography and Applications

in Modern Chemistry

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Nicolas Chrysochos received his Master degree of science in biochemistry

from University of Greifswald. Since 2015 is PhD-student under supervision of

Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke at Bioinorganig Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry,

University of Greifswald. His PhD research concentrate on the development

of new models for the molybdopterin and tungstopterin cofactors with focus

on coordination sphere, physicochemical properties and catalytic activity of

the model compounds. During his PhD is paying particular attention on the

crystallography of the target models.