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Crystallography 2018

Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication

ISSN: 2470-9905

Page 74

June 04-05, 2018

London, UK



Edition of International Conference on

Advanced Spectroscopy,

Crystallography and Applications

in Modern Chemistry


n heterogenous catalysis surface structure of metal catalyst

may change what modifies surface interactions that in turn

affect the structure. The process may generate dynamics of

surface that can constitute true origin of chemical activity. One

can consider concept of ‘actve processes’ instead of ‘active sites’.

In our laboratory we have developed in situ powder diffraction

technique that is able to register subtle changes of scattered

intensities due to modifications of the nanocrystal surface and

to interpret these changes via molecular simulations. Our results

allowed quantitative distinction between surface relaxations

and reconstructions [1]. The surface reconstruction in response

to changing atmosphere appears to be quite common for metal

nanocrystals. Sometimes it can lead to cyclic or turbulent

phenomena if the reconstruction triggers change in the adsorbate

coverage that in turn causes re-reconstruction (or cancels it out)

[2]. Gold appears as the metal especially prone to reconstruction.

Our results point to gold surface reconstruction occurring on

adsorption of many reactive gases. Interpreting precisely peak

shape and position we could detect reversible size changes along

given crystallographic direction pointing to reversible changes

of the nanocrystal shape [3]. Gold surface appears to be mobile

enough to quickly increase surface of crystal faces interacting

more favorably with the adsorbate. Monitoring oxidation of CO

we detected also appearance of a new form of nanocrystalline

gold with deep reconstruction of crystal faces leading to a 200

and 220 peak split. The transition may deactivate gold as a

catalyst. Precise monitoring of the metal peak position and shape

during chemical reaction can provide insight into its structure

and dynamics. Degree of the Bragg law violations for various

peaks can indicate difference in the interaction with adsorbate on

various crystall faces.



Zbigniew Kaszkur

Institute of Physical Chemistry, Poland

Struct Chem Crystallogr Commun 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2470-9905-C1-006