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Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication

ISSN: 2470-9905

June 04-05, 2018

London, UK

Crystallography 2018

Page 12



Edition of International Conference on

Advanced Spectroscopy,

Crystallography and Applications

in Modern Chemistry


ransition Metal Oxides with strongly correlated electrons

have been studied intensively due their interesting physical

properties. This includes colossal magnetoresistance (CMR)

where huge variations in resistance are achieved just by small

changes in the applied magnetic field, or high temperature

superconductivity (HTC) to name two of them [3-6]. These

materials are characterized by the existence of several

competing states such as charge, spin and orbital ordering,

interacting in a synergetic way and leading to fairly complex

phase diagrams. Thereby the physical properties can be tuned

in a wide range via hole doping, e.g. by cation substitution as

is the case for


alternative way of hole doping

presents oxygen intercalation, generally proceeding at ambient

temperature via a topotactic oxygen uptake along shallow

potential diffusion pathways. Contrary to the cation substitution,

requiring high reaction temperatures, oxygen intercalation

reactions allow the controlled synthesis of strongly correlated

oxides far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, essentially

resulting in kinetically stabilized and thus metastable phases.

Low temperature reactivity of solids may thus be used as a

concept, to investigate the limits of available structural and

electronic complexity in transition metal oxides. The reaction

pathway to insert oxygen at low temperatures in solid oxides

becomes a decisive parameter to tune correlations, leading to

extremely complex phase relations as physical and structural

properties are not only depending on the overall stoichiometry,

but decisively on the sample history. Taking these oxides as

oxygen ‘sponges’ operating at low reaction temperatures down

to ambient, structural and electronic correlation lengths could

then be influenced by the reaction conditions and kinetics. We

here discuss here the challenges, low temperature solid state

reactivity implies for the synthesis of new complex oxides but

equally the current understanding of the relying oxygen diffusion

mechanisms, having a huge fundamental and technological


Pr2NiO4.25: Representations of the NiO6 isosurfaces (left) for indicate the

anharmonic double potential of the apical oxygen atoms present at 673

K, obtained from single crystal neutron diffraction and Maximum Entropy

Analysis. The large anisotropic displacements of the apical oxygen atoms

along [110] directly point towards the interstitial oxygen sites, forming a

shallow oxygen diffusion pathway which is dynamically activated

Recent Publications

1. From T to T’-La2CuO4 via Oxygen Vacancy Ordered

La2CuO3.5, M. Ikbel Houchati, M. Ceretti, C. Ritter and

W. Paulus, Chem. Mater. 2012, 24, 3811-3815

2. One-dimensional oxygen diffusion mechanism in

Sr2ScGaO5 electrolyte explored by neutron and

synchrotron diffraction, 17O-NMR andDFTcalculations,

S. Corallini M. Ceretti, G. Silly, A. Piovano, S. Singh, J.

Stern, C. Ritter, J. Ren, H. Eckert, K. Conder, Wei-tin

Chen, Fang-Cheng Chou, N. Ichikawa, Y. Shimakawa, W.

Paulus, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (21), 11447–11458




Werner Paulus

University of Montpellier, France

Werner Paulus, Struct Chem Crystallogr Commun 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2470-9905-C1-004