Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
ISSN: 2572-5548
Page 23
August 31-September 01, 2017 Brussels, Belgium
International Conference on
Chronic Diseases
International Conference on
Microbial Physiology and Genomics
The risk chart for detection of dementia individual risk: First step for a personalized prevention
Federico Licastro, Elisa Porcellini, Massimo Buscema
Enzo Grossi
University of Bologna, Italy
poradic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive degenerative dementia with a senile onset. The AD aetiology is still unclear
and the pathogenesis of the disease is likely to be multi-factorial. No medication for the disease is available and dementia is
becoming a world-wide medical and social emergency. During last 10 years, we collected large data base focused on risk factors
associated with cognitive decline and dementia form several case control studies and longitudinal population investigations.
Several new factors associated with an increased risk of developing dementia as assessed by innovative statistical analysis
derived from neural network algorithms and applied our data bases. A new risk chart derived by our previous investigations
to assess the individual risk of developing cognitive decline and/or dementia in healthy subjects with positive familiarity for
AD is presented. This chart is also useful to assess dementia risk in patients with previous traumatic brain injury, Parkinson
disease, post brain stroke or Down’s syndrome. This new risk chart consists of several and diverse variables. Familiarity, APOE
genotype, diabetes, plasma lipid profiles, plasma homocysteine, blood vitamin B12 and folates, plasma CRP levels plasma
antibody titers against virus of the Herpes family, antibody levels specific for
Helicobacter pylori
, and presence of periodontitis
are major components of the chart. The differential presence of the above variables will result in an individual risk score
computed in three different risk levels for cognitive decline or dementia. Impaired levels of most variables can be changed with
nutritional or other therapeutic interventions with the aim of decreasing individual risk level for the disease. The goal of this
approach is to introduce new personalized therapy for healthy elderly or old person with mild cognitive impairment. This chart
is aimed to decrease prevalence and incidence of dementia by a preventive personalized medical approach.
Federico Licastro completed his Degree in Medicine at University of Bologna in 1977 and; Specialization in Pediatrics in 1980. He was an Assistant Professor of
General Pathology at Institute of General Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna in 1980 and; Associate Professor of General Pathology at Institute
of General Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna in 1984. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Immunology in Department of Experimental
Pathology, University of Bologna. He is an author and co-author of 254 scientific articles.
Federico.licastro@unibo.itFederico Licastro et al., Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2017, 2:2
DOI: 10.21767/2572-5548-C1-002